2. Stories

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Xochitl's POV:
Well the start of summer started of kinda bad but what's new. That guy justin is such a jerk but like I watched her almost die in a pose. Why didnt I save her, at the time I was deciding which candy I should get and when she ran in the road I thought it was just some girl but when I took a second look it was her. Do I regret not going out and stopping her...Maybe but I gotta admit those sour patch kids did good, they did good..

Madison's POV:
I'm kinda upset that I wasn't there to save her. At the time I was talking to my one and only love, anyway she should of told me something was suspicious with that boy, wait didn't she call us over?..umm I honestly dont know. Some kid told me she died in a pose and I tried not to laugh because who does that?. Anyway I'm currently being fake friends with that Savannah Chick just so I can tell her secrets teehee, sorry not sorry?

Breannas POV:
So..while Cameron almost died I literally was just watching xochitl decided on what candy she should get. I kinda wish I saved Cameron but like Xochitl kept staring at them like it was the end of the world. I know Cameron asked us to come over but I just thought she had trouble opening something or she fell and couldn't get back up.

Cameron's POV:
Yeah so turns out all my friends could of saved me but they didnt. Why did I run in the road anyway, before I died i saw xochitl in the gas station looking at different kinds of sour patch kids, at that moment I knew I screwed up and I was going to have a talk with her why she didn't save me and she literally was right next door!.

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