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"Heyo!" Jungwoo shouts into my ear as he pulls me into a hug. It's in the middle of the hallway, having everyone just stare straight at us. "It's the first day of classes! Can you believe it? Are you ready for our last year here?" He is now jumping up and down like a little puppy. Messing up my hair as he ruffles it.

"Hey. Hey. Calm down, please!" I laugh as I push him away from me so I can access the locker in front of me. Jungwoo is very affectionate, but it can become too much at times. He's an amazing and caring best friend. He's very known in school and has everyone bowing down to him. "Honestly, I can't wait until we graduate. I know it just started, but I just want to start the rest of my life already." I whine knowing that I say this every year and there is still no change. But this is the year that everything will change.

"School has barely begun Ten, you can't be complaining already. What's this?" He asks curiously taking the letter out of my hand before I can even explain to him not to touch it. Jungwoo does anything he wants, but it's a force a habit that I need to help him change. I love him, I just need my privacy at times. "Oh my gosh! It's a love letter, that is so cute. I'm going to cry. Ten you have a secret admirer! That is just so cute and brave."

"Yeah, I noticed." I took the letter from his grasp and neatly put it into my folder so that it doesn't crumple. I have never gotten anything like this before so I don't see why anyone would be writing me these in the first place. I am a boring teen and not very known person in school, they could just tell me since they don't have anyone to compete with. It's still very cute and it makes me really happy, but it is kinda weird. I don't know anyone that goes by Jeong.

"Why is Jungwoo happy? And why do you look tired of school already?" Jaehyun asks as he walks up to us. He is very known in school, everyone admires and looks up to him. He is technically considered a popular kid, everyone wants to get to know him and be his friend. He's also very amazing and a sweetheart. I did not reply to him, but Jungwoo did.

"Ten got a love letter from someone named Jeong. And it sucks because I don't know anyone with that name, do you? It's really cute, you should take a look at it also! I hope that my crush or anyone would do the same to be honest." Jungwoo sighs sadly. I gave him a sad smile and I did not let Jaehyun see the letter. Jungwoo has experience when it comes to these thing but he just doesn't let anyone in. He wants a true love and not something casual. His parents are also really strict, they don't let him do anything. He's been rebelling and just hasn't been caught yet.

Jaehyun, Jungwoo, and I grew up on the same block. Our parents are all friends so that's why we have known each other since we were in diapers. Jungwoo just couldn't hang out with us as much since his parents were scared that he was going to get sick or hurt. He would have to beg them or our parents would have to beg his parents, they would let him even if it was just for ten minutes. They are  overprotective but don't isolate him as much as before.

"Hey, don't do that. Keep a positive attitude and I guarantee that in the near future someone will do the same." I explain. Jungwoo is like my little brother and I want him to be happy at all times. He smiles and nods going back to being himself.

"How do you really feel about this letter? Does it give you butterflies? Are you curious to find out who it is? Do you want to know who it is? I need answers Ten!" Jungwoo asks not taking a breather at all. "You didn't even let Jaehyun read it. You should let him."

"It's okay, I'll just have to take a peek later when he's not looking." Jaehyun laughs looking at me. It doesn't seem like he really cares if he reads it or not.

"I have never experienced this, but it's really sweet and cute. I do want to know who it is, but I don't care to know what exactly what they look like. This year will be different and I can feel it." I reply as the bells rings, notifying us that the school year has begun and there's no going back. We start walking towards our classes since they are all right next to each other. "I can't wait to see what this school year has in store for us."

"Maybe you'll find out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner." Jungwoo squealed. "Now we have to get to class so that our last year can finally begin. Before we know it, we'll be graduating."

We all walk to our different classes. Giving each other a hug before leaving. I can't wait for this year to start. I have a feeling that this year will not be like the rest. And I plan to make it the best year yet. I will do anything I can for my life to turn out the way I want it and hopefully with no distractions. Until then, it's time to focus in English.



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