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Dear Ten,

I noticed that you enjoyed the letter I gave to you, if if it classifies as a letter. I really loved when I made your day. Every time I see you my whole day shines so bright. Just thinking about you makes my whole day not as bad as it really is. I would just love it if you were mine, but that's not the case. I wish I could tell you who I am. To be honest, I just don't want to be rejected by you.

I hope this later and the other letters that soon will be given to you, make you really happy and not sad anymore. I wish I could tell you in person how much you really mean to me. I wish I could hold you in my arms. I just wish I can make your life not as scary and sad as it is now. I just want to be your prince charming or superhero that saves you. I promise I will revel myself soon, but not right now.

I want you to promise me that you won't listen to all those rumors being spread about you. Promise me that you will try to talk to someone about how you're feeling. Promise me that no matter what happens I'll still be in your life. Promise me that you won't break my heart into pieces when I revel myself. And promise me that you will try to love yourself, you deserve that at least.

Can you promise me all of that, my darling?


Can I even promise him all of that? Not really. I can try to promise that just for him, but I don't think it'll stay a promise. It will take some time for me to promise all of that. He just made my whole day though. It made me tear up a bit, but it was sweet. I don't understand though why he would waste his time to write me letters. Yeah, he likes me, but still I'm not that special.

"Hey." Jaehyun smiles, pulling me into a hug which ends up with me pushing him away. He does give great hugs. "Sorry, I forgot about that. Also why are you crying?"

"The letter I got is super sweet." I murmured, trying to hide the smile that was about to appear. "It made me cry a bit."

"What did it say?" He questioned, looking at the letter but didn't try to grab it. I was thankful for that because I know if Jungwoo was here he would take it.

"Don't worry about it." I laughed.

"Alright let's get out of here." He said, walking away from me. "Jungwoo wanted to introduce us to someone. Honestly, I will get mad if it's just another boy toy of his."

"Jungwoo does not sleep with everyone he sees, but he does go one dates with everyone he sees." I claimed. Jungwoo is not a bad person that will sleep with people for fun. He's been trying to find his soulmate, but he hasn't had any luck so far.

"We both know that he might sleep with them sometimes though. If they are good looking enough, as he says." Jaehyun laughed. He laughed really loud which made people turn to look at us. So for him causing that, I slapped him.

"Let's go. You have to catch up youngster." I laughed running away from him to get to his car.

"You literally act like a five year old so shush it." He laughed.

We got to the car which was parked at the back of the parking lot because it's usually full when we get to school. We went into the car and settled down after turning on the heater since it's getting colder now. We are meeting Jungwoo at our usual place, The Marco Cups. It's a cute cafe that sells very good food and drinks. It's own by our old friend Marco, who is a couple years older than us.

Thinking about the letter on our way. It was really sweet. I do have a bad life at home, no one really knows except for Jungwoo, Yuta, and Jaehyun. So it made me a bit curious on how this peaches person knows. I don't like to talk about my life to anyone else. So it's making me think it might be one of them, but I don't think they would do that to me. I do really wanna know who peaches is though.

They seem to know a lot about me. My life at home especially, which I find kinda weird. He wants me to be happy. I haven't felt wanted before so I don't really know how to react. I guess I know why people get into relationships and such. I have never felt love before Jungwoo, Yuta, and Jaehyun. Ever since I met them, it made my life way better and made me more happier.

I moved here a couple years ago. It was the best decision my parents ever made. I was outed at my old school by an old friend which made everyone hate my family and I. My parents were well known and they had to keep up the act that they hated me too. That hurt me so much. Since they are known, they still act like I don't exist even after we moved. Ever since then I had to fend for myself. I haven't told my friends everything or even that because I already said too much. They just think my parents are super busy.

"Ten." Jaehyun said interrupting my thoughts. Softly pulled my face to look up to him. "I know that look on your face. It's going to be okay. Don't think about your parents right now, okay?"

I started crying. "I can't help it. It's just so hard. I had have so many people hate on my parents and I. And with my parents being busy all the time I haven't felt love since then. I'm glad I have you guys and that makes me really happy. I love you and the others. I wouldn't know what I would do without you guys."

"It's going to be okay. After we meet with Jungwoo we can go back to mine and you can spend the night." He smiled sadly wiping the tears from my face. I didn't want him to pity me, it's the one think I don't like. "Okay?"

"Yeah, okay." I replied. I looked at myself in the mirror to fix myself. Making sure I didn't just cry. "Let's go and meet this mysterious man."

He laughed and we got out of the car. When we went into the cafe we saw Jungwoo with 3 other people. One of them was literally a giant. The other one looked so innocent. And the last one looked scary. I thought we were meeting one person so now I am confused. I will be mad if it's a date. It's not like I care, but I'm not even dressed.

"Hey!" Jungwoo squealed. "Jaehyun and Ten, where's Yuta? Oh whatever, this is Lucas, Winwin, and Taeyong. These are my friends from another school. I met them here."

"Hey." Jaehyun nodded towards them.

"Hello, a friend of Jungwoo is a friend of mine." I smiled. Lucas was the giant. Winwin was the innocent one. Taeyong was the scary one.

We sat down at a booth, which was funny because we could barely fit. We sat down for a few hours and it surprised me how we all got along. They are nice and sweet boys. Lucas kept trying to make a move on Jungwoo. Winwin just sat there barely saying a word. And Taeyong kept flirting with Jaehyun and that kind of make me uncomfortable. I don't understand why would you flirt with someone you barely met. I'm not jealous at all. When I would want to talk to Jaehyun, Taeyong would come in and get his attention away from me.

Even though that happen. I am glad I made new friends. The more friends that I have the better, at least for me that is. I never really had much friends growing up. Even after the whole incident which made everyone hate me and stab in the back. Somehow they saw me as disgusting, but they didn't before they knew I was gay. I still can't believe my old friend would do that.

"Hey Jaehyun before we part ways. Can I have your number?" Taeyong asked Jaehyun when we left the cafe. Winking at him as he said that.

It made me mad.


Author: Hello! I rewrote this. Hopefully it's better than the last one. I hope you enjoy and thank you for the reads, comments, and votes. See you next time

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