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Dear Ten,

It's good to see you happy because of these letters. It's good to see you smiling so bright because of me. It's good to see you finally eating. It's good to see you be you. It's good to see yourself finally slowly becoming yourself.

I feel like you don't want to know who I am because you might not like me and you don't want to regret me.

Anyways, are you ready for the first party of the year? I'm going. I'm hoping to see you there.

Hopefully we do some how talk but you won't know it's me. Hopefully you won't see me staring at you, I might when you aren't looking. I hope that people don't realize I am crazy for you because they might just tell you.

Don't get drunk, please. I don't wanna see you drinking down your feelings and other things you are holding in. I will be here if you need me.

So I have been thinking, would you like flowers or chocolates with these letters? It's a question but you don't have to pick. To answer the question, in your next instagram upload add a flower or chocolate emoji and I will know.

See you soon, my darling.

Valentine Boy

He's getting sweeter and adorable. He's here to, I guess, protect me. I will for sure go to the party. It's tonight so I can't wait to try to figure it out. I really want to see who this person is. I really want to know that if everything he says is real. If I should trust him. I might be developing feelings over silly love letters.

Also the flowers or chocolates, I would prefer just one flower with each letter if he can. I will post my picture later. I might ask Jaehyun or Jungwoo to take a picture tonight. But first I have to get home and change because I slept over at Jaehyun's house after hanging out with Jungwoo and his friends so I really need a new pair of clothes.

"I need to go home later so I can get a change of clothes for tonight." I said once I sat down on the table where Jaehyun and Jungwoo were eating.

"You're going tonight?" Jungwoo replied happily. I never go out but if it means I will see Valentine Boy. I will definitely go. "You never go out."

"Yeah. What changed your mind?" Jaehyun asked.

"I guess I need to let loose. Also can you guys help me with what to wear?"  I replied excited.

"Sure. Is it for the love letter guy? Cause that's so cute." Jungwoo awed looking at Jaehyun pulling him into a hug. Well that's weird.

"Why hug me?" He moved closer to me pushing him off. "Ten help me."

I laughed as he hugged me. I really love his hugs so I hugged him back.

"Alright I will go by later okay." Both of them said as the bell rang.

"My car?" I asked. They both nodded and walked off. It's weird because the same way they are going is the same way I go. I ignored it and headed to class.


I have been waiting at my car for them for about 10 minutes now. I texted them and called them but they haven't answered. I just want to go home so then I can change and then go and party. Maybe find out who this guy is too. I really want to find who this guy is. Unless this is all a joke then that's going to hurt.

"Hey sorry. Jungwoo was busy eating some guys face." Jaehyun laughed when Jungwoo smacked him.

"Let's go so then I can find a outfit." They both nodded and then fought for the front seat, Jungwoo won.

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