The Big Tree

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"AWE YEAH!" Shermy shouted as he held up the sword. He lowered it down after a couple seconds, looking at the blue gem glow slightly in the little light in the sky. "Beth, we have our own sword! We can do so much with it, like fight and take back your kingdom!" Beth stared at him, "I-I'm not sure about the pup kingdom part Shermy, but yeah. Fighting sounds cool--" A sudden crackling noise was heard. "Uh-Oh.." Shermy and Beth slowly looked down at the branch cracking that they were standing on. SNAAAAP! It broke. The two were free-falling through the air, plummeting towards the ground. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Shermy screamed as he accidentally let go of the sword. Beth shouted, "SHERMY, TRY TO FALL TOWARDS ME! MAYBE I CAN TELEPORT YOU OUT OF HERE!" Shermy tried swimming in the air towards her, finally reaching her as she grabbed his arm and pulled him closely. "But what about you, Beth? And our awesome sword!" Shermy said. "I'll find my own way out of this. Now come on, let me teleport you out of here--" Her voice trailed off as small wings started to grow out of her back. "Woaah.." She said, looking back at them. "What?! WHAT?!" Shermy started to climb up her shoulder, holding onto her tightly. "You have wings! BETH, THAT'S AWESOME! NOW WE'LL BOTH SURVIVE!" Beth kept on looking at her wings, and then shook her head, focusing on how to fly safely down. She started to glide in the air, going towards the ground quickly. She was trying to reach the sword that was ahead of them. "GO BETH, GO BETH!" Shermy yelled in excitement. "Gotchaaaaaaaa--" Beth said as she reached out for the sword. The ground was not too far away as she let go of the sword, "AAAAAH!" They spiraled towards the ground and crashed.

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