Is abuse normal?

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This one is sad, but turns into a happy story.

Timeskip and Virgil's PoV

It was the first day of school, and Peyton, Rosanna, and Logan were excited but I wasn't.

When we got on the bus, the three of them instantly claimed the two back seats. I just plopped down in the front seat.

Later, a boy got on and sat next to me, and tapped my shoulder, and introduced himself to me.

He said his name was Max (nOt From Camp Camp), and he had two other friends that were coming on the bus later. 

This kid was nice, so we talked, and I found out we have a lot in common.

He loves Panic!At the Disco, My Chemical Romance, Broadway Shows, and he sometimes enjoys being alone, and listening to music, and he also enjoys singing.

I think I could call this boy a ....... what's it called?

A............. what was it again???




A friend?


Anyways, when those two friends got on, he instantly ignored me, and switched seats to talk to them.

And...... I was alone again.

When we got to school (the kids are in third grade), there was a big banner that said

"Welcome, Third Graders!"

I could tell by some squealing noises, that Peyton, and Rosanna were excited.

It was Wednesday on their first day

Also timeskip to FRIIIDAY!!!

"Alright, kids! You can all have some freetime to play! But no running, no yelling, and please, be careful!" My teacher, Mr. Williams clapped his hands as he said it.

I walked up to him a little bit later and I asked him something that neither of us will forget:

"Mr. W? Is abuse normal?"

"Oh, Heavens no, Virgil! Why are you asking that?" Mr. W replied, covering his mouth with his hands.

"Well.... every time I did, or said something wrong, my mom would abuse me, and afterwards, she told me not to tell- I said too much!" I covered my mouth, worried anyone in the class might've heard what I said to Mr. W, so I just backed away.

"Virgil wait-" Mr. W could barely get a word out before

"Good afternoon everyone! This is Mr. Lafayette, and have a great afternoon, and weekend!"


"Alright, everyone! Time to go home! Clean up, get your backpacks, and line up at the door!" Mr. W pointed to where we line up, and everyone listened.

I was at the end, while my three siblings were at the very front.

Peyton's PoV

Phew! I think I'm gonna sit with Virgil and talk to him on the bus!

On the bus...

I walked on, and saw Virgil in the very front seat, sitting alone and staring out the window, so I plopped down next to him.

"Hey Virge! How'd ya enjoy our first week here?" I said and he just stared at me blankly with no answer.

"Virge?" I waved a hand in front of his face. He ignored me.


Then he hissed at me, jokingly.

"Bad kitty!" I fake scolded him, as I pointed to his nose. 

I then booked it and then we both burst out laughing.

"You two are having fun." Rosanna said, and me and Virgil both jumped in our seat.

"ROSANNA!!!" I yelled, and crossed my arms, as Logan (who was sitting next to Rosanna) smirked.

Virgil looked out the window, as I followed his gaze, I saw that the bus was stopped, and there was something outside the window. Not something, but someone.

"THOMAS!!!!!" I shouted, causing Rosanna and Logan to jump up in their seats and they came to the window where me and Virgil were looking.

There we saw, the one and only Thomas, our babysitter (who is AMAZING!!!), and he's a superhero! (Me: Let me be an individual and put what I want in MY story)

"Hey kiddos! Don't panic, but your bus is kinda....... falling off a cliff." Thomas said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Everyone else became worried, but not me, and my siblings.

"Don't worry, everyone! Thomas is gonna get us to safety, and prevent a bunch of injuries and possible deaths" I assured, because I knew that Thomas wouldn't abandon us.

"That's right, Peyton! Fear not, children! I, GayGuy (me: lol idk xD) will get you all to safety!" Thomas said, and I smiled, knowing he cared.

Virgil's POV

Thomas used his super strength, and he picked up the bus.

All the other kids were a little scared at first, but Peyton calmed them down.

Thomas brought the bus to the side of the road, where we weren't gonna fall off the cliff.

Just as he was setting us all down, a crash was heard, and I felt like I was falling.

That's because I actually was falling.


I'm falling? But the bus is- falling off the cliff.


TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!

Word count: 806

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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