Just the begining

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⭐️Ryleighh's pov⭐️


"Its 5:00 in the morning are you kidding!!?" Ryleighh says.

Ryleighhs younger sister set her alarm 1 hour earlier then supposed to be, Ryleighh just decides to get ready. Ryleighh starts heading for the bathroom when she over hears her mom on the phone, she sneaks up to the door and listens.

"Yes. Yes. Mhm. ok. tomorrow? ok 6? Ok i will be there. Goodbye." Ryleighh decides to ask her mom what was going on. "Mom, what was that all about?"

"Oh Ryleighh i didn't see you standing there"

*says under breath* "the usual" "im sorry Ryleighh but im going on a business trip for a few weeks im gonna need you to take care of alex" "BUT MOM I THOUGHT WE WERE GONNA GO SOMEWHERE FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!?" "im sorry sweetie you know how important this is too me,right?" "MOM im turing" *interrupted by a cellphone ring* Ryleighh turns around and runs to her bathroom. Alex sees Ryleighh and wants to know what happend

"R-Ryleighh whats wrong?" Ryleighh turns to see her younger sister standing at the door. "Nothing moms leaving again no big deal, i have to finish getting ready tho. see you in a little bit." ryleighh turns and heads to her room and picks out her outfit,curls her hair,and does her makeup.

Both sisters head for the kitchen to make food.

After the sisters finished there food the got into the car. "Ryleighh, why is mom always leaving and ignoring us?" Ryleighh turns and looks at Alex looking out the window. " To be honest Alex, because she cares more about her job then she does about us, i dont know why its that way but it is."

"Its just so wrong tho, we should be her first priority"

"Yah i know Alex but lets face it it wont happen" "come on lets get to class"

And with that brings a horrible day

The fallinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ