Chapter 11

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A week had past since school began. Everything has been going good so far, I even made some new friends. I don't even eat in the bathroom stalls anymore. I've been working out with Ashton and he's been helping me eat. I've been becoming good friends with Calum. Everything's been okay so far.

Just like every morning Ashton comes over my house, we eat breakfast then he would drive me to school. First period goes by then second, then third, then fourth. Now it was fifth period which was lunch. After fourth period ended I gathered my books off my desk and headed towards my locker. As usual I kept my head down while walking through the halls. I almost got to my locker when Julie and her friend Kaityln Adams stopped me.

"Hey Lydia you look fantastic." She's actually talking to me. In public. Julie Hayes is actually talking to me. In public.

"T-thanks Julie." I said in shock.

"Or should I say I made you look fantastic." She says nudging Kaitlyn on the shoulder. " I told you, my best work yet." Kaitlyn just nods in response.

I stand there awkwardly as they talk about me as if i'm not even there.

"I'm thinking of scheduling a hair appointment for her. I was thinking some layers?" Julie asks Kaitlyn.

"Wait what? Julie I didn't agree to tha-" I try to say but Kaitlyn cuts me off.

"Highlights at the very least."

Izzy catches up at the end of the conversation. "Can we go now? Our science teacher is going to kill us if we're late."

"I was just telling Kaitlyn about the amazing job I did on your sister." Julie says ignoring Izzy's eagerness to get to class.

"Yea yea, you did an amazing job now can we go?" Izzy sarcastically says.

"Since when are you so eager to get to class?" Julie says.

"Michael told me that him and a bunch of people are going to Jilly's after school today. We're going right?" Izzy asks.

Jilly's is a hangout place that all the cool kids go to. I've never been to it but I know the name.

"Hey we should invite... What was your name again?" How does Kaitlyn not know my name. The teacher calls it out everyday for roll call.

"Lydia." I mumble.

"Oh yea, great idea. We'll bring Lydia so I can show everyone my work." Julie claps excitedly.

I look at Izzy's face. Skinny was quick to tell me her thoughts.

"She doesn't want you to go. You're not good enough to hangout with her friends."

"I can't go." I say. " I have this project to do after school."

Izzy looks relived. She links her arm with Julie and pulls her away.

"Maybe some other time." She calls out over her shoulder.

I stand there watching them leave.The hallways are emptying around me. I soon remember that I still have to get my lunch from my locker.


I look up to see Luke standing near the lockers. His look was so soft and gentle. I was immediately washed away by his blue eyes.

"How's it going?" I said trying to sound like natural.

"You sound like an idiot." Skinny says stating the obvious.

"Good." He responds with his thick Australian accent. "How was your first week back?"


"Can you speak at all? No wonder he doesn't talk to you anymore. Not worth the trouble." Shut up Skinny.

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