Chapter 4: The D.O.E.I.

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An annoying knock wakes me from my slumber. Ugh! Mom, why are you waking me up so early? It's a Saturday for pete's sake. I lay there for a second, taking in the sounds and smells of my room. Conversations drift to my ears from down stairs as the smell of stale air drifts to my nose. Wait a second! I shoot up in bed. This isn't what my room smells like! I look around, taking in the tiny, cramped room, with light flowing in through a small window. In a flash of memories, I remember the events of last.

Sigh! I had hoped it was all a dream, but I guess not. I sit there in thought. I think of when Josh was kidnapped. I've been kidnapped, it dawns on me. No, they saved you. They didn't kidnap you, I tried to reassure myself. But, either way, my parents don't know that and are probably worried sick about me.

There's another knock at the door, which breaks me from my train of thought. A boy with dark brown hair sticks his head from behind the door. I realize it's Derek, their leader.

"Sorry to wake you, but I figured you would want some food before it all gets devoured." He grinned.

I shake my head, not wanting to eat, but my stomach betrays me with a grumble, making Derek grin even more. Giving up, I get up and I walk beside him down the hall.

"By the way, my names Der-"

"Your names Derek. I know." I interrupt. He smirks and asks.

"Then what's yours? It's common curtesy to state your name when someone gives them yours."


"Fiera! Nice." He compliments sincerely. I catch myself smiling a little. He actually complimented my name instead of making fun of it. After a moment of silence, we reach the stairs and head down to the crowded front room. Once we are fully visible, the room quiets down and 20 or so boys stare at me. I feel my stomach knot up from the unfamiliar attention. Derek tells them to stop drooling and get back to whatever they were doing. They go on, but still occasionally look my way. Derek hands me a granola bar and says.

"Sorry, we don't have much."

"It's fine." I reply, not feeling very talkative. We sit done and he starts to talk again.

"Your probably wondering what's going on and why those men where after you. I asked you to stay here last night so I could tell you the answer." I look at him with worry. Is he part of the group that tried to kidnap me? Should I run now? Many questions jumbled in my head. Derek continues.

"I should probably start with what my 'band of misfits' are called. We are known as the organization called Impossible. Well, let me back up. We call ourselves Teenage Impossible, since we aren't really in the actual organization. Teenage Impossible and Impossible are the ones that oppose the group that was chasing you last night. They are called D.O.E.I., Destroyer Of Enemy Impossible, or the Doei Doei, which is what we like to call them." I raise my eyebrow in question. Doei Doei? Ooooook.

"Doei said twice means 'bye' in Dutch. And for our name, I don't know why we chose it. We couldn't really use X-Men. It was already taken." He says nonchalantly. I raise both my eyebrows this time, not getting his explanation. He doesn't bother to enlighten me either.

"What exactly is yours and the D.O.E.I.'s purpose?" I decide to ask, feeling like talking now.

Sigh. He does tiredly. "The Impossible's mission is to protect those who have powers, which we receive from mutations, as well as try to make sure we don't go extinct. Doei is bent more on power. They are after 'mutants,' so they can gain more power." A little flabbergasted, a couple minutes pass, then I say.

"You got to be joking. You expect me to believe that?" I say with frustration. This isn't funny. My parents are probably worried sick about me and you want to tell me your Superman and the Justice League!

"You don't believe me?" He asks almost innocently.

"Of course not!"

Derek sighs again and calls Tony over. Tony walks up to were we are sitting.

"Can you do a demonstration of your abilities for Fiera to see?" Derek asks him.

"Sure thing!" Tony grins. Suddenly, his hand catches fire and he throws a ball of fire up and catches it in his other hand. By the time I recover my bearings, Tony is sitting down by Derek, and all I can manage to do is sit there and gap.

"Judging by your reaction, you believe me now. I'm surprised you didn't see Golden use his power." Derek states while tilting his head. I look to see Golden in a corner, listening to our conversation. Flashbacks from yesterday play in my mind, and I remember the sparkly gold light that emitted itself from golden. Wait a second!

"Yes, now that I think about it, I did see his power, but what does this have to do with me." Tony and Derek look at each other.

"Well, you see, special." Tony scrambles for words.

"Special? That's a first." I snort. Yeah, very attractive.

"Out of all the mutants still alive, you are the only female mutant left." Derek rushes out. Again, a shocker for me.

Puzzled, I ask. "Why?"

"Sadly, that actually brings us back to the Doei Doei. They try to get power by testing on mutants. Most of the time the testing won't end till the mutants death." Derek explains, thick with sorrow. "There was a time where they captured both men and women. That changed, one day, when they started taking just women. All ages." I look at Derek, feeling unsettled about the question I am going to ask. It's like I know for certain that it's going to make me hurt.

"Why did they start taking only women?" Again Tony and Derek look at each other.

"There was an oracle, I don't know how long ago. One day she began to glow and recite a prophecy. Again, I don't know what she exactly said, but she basically said that one day a female will be born with the ability to bestow powers onto any human. The oracle wrote it down, and hid the prophecy, stating that only the one prophesied should read the whole truth. She told her followers not to repeat what they heard, but once the oracle past away, one of her followers betrayed her and told a human, which, in turn, spreads to another human till it reached our day an age. The leader of D.O.E.I. happens to be one of the people that heard of the prophecy." My heart started to pound. No! No way!

"That's when only women started to get kidnapped." Derek finally finished after a long pause. I stared at him in horror. It can't be!

"So, your saying the reason all those women were killed was because of me! Because I'm that prophesied girl?" I say with distress. People were killed because of me, even though I had no clue. I could feel myself faltering. Don't cry! Please don't!

"And not just women either. Men and children, as well! It effected their family's, too." I jump at the words that are filled with disdain. Golden steps out from the dark corner, reminding me of his presence.

"Golden!" Derek growls in warning.

"It's all your fault! You practically killed them yourself!" Though I can't see his face under the hood and sunglasses, I can feel the hatred permeating the air, almost choking me. I start to break down. The hot tears falling down my cheek becoming unstoppable.

Not able to stand being in their presence, I think, I need to run! I need to get out of here! Without realizing it, I start heading up the stairs, running down the hall. In the background, I hear Derek calling my name and Tony talking to Golden, but I just ignore them. With that, I look for a place to hide in my misery.

The Impossible (Book 1 of the Impossible trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now