Chapter 14: Kidnapped!

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Standing on the huge rock by the lake, I look out at the group of boys gathered around me, with Tony right at my side on the ground. They whisper and cast curious looks my way. Even though I am their leader, I don't usually bother them or tell them what to do, so long as they keep us alive by doing their part. With me calling them together, it's caused some worry. It's a rarity for me to call them together. Especially during their training, which we've been doing for about a month now.

In this one month, all of us has become stronger and changed. Leo has become more efficient in his abilities. He can now tell a person their abilities and how they can use them. Caine can actually use his weapons instead of swinging them around like a man without his head. Tony has changed more in the aspect of concentration. He can keep a flame and smoke even when the other boys are trying to de-pants him. And for me, I've changed in appearance. I no longer wear my hood up or sunglasses, and in other aspects I've changed as well.

"Ok, people! I got an announcement to make!" I shout out. Some boys look at me curiously, while the rest look at me like their going to get slapped.

I wait patiently as they quiet down. Yes, I have achieved patience. Then, after a minute or so of agonizing silence, I announce, "It's time!"

All the boys look at each in confusion. Have they really forgotten the purpose for a lot of things we've been doing? Leo comes up to me, not understanding what I mean either. I shake my head and whisper in his ear. When I finish, I look at his face and see it light up with exuberance. He turns to the group of boys and says, 'Your all a bunch of dumbos.' Not including himself, even though he didn't get it either until I told him.

I try to suppress a smirk that threatens to show on my face. Leo finally says what I was trying to tell the other boys. With a cheer following, Leo exclaims, "It's time to get Fiera back!"

. . . . . .

It's been a month... A whole agonizing month.

After the night of my separation from Teenage Impossible and Golden, I went back to school trying to live like how I used to live before the powers and abilities. Unfortunately, I wasn't supposed to have that kind of life anymore.

The first day back to school, I was greeted with a few worried faces, but the majority just stared or snubbed me off. I went to my classes, having been told that my homework was kept up by supposedly me. *Cough* *Cough* My parents. I was to attend summer school to catch up on 'anything I didn't understand and/or missed.' Anyway, I was finally welcomed by the populars; Michelle Gordon, miss blond hair, blue eyed, Shontelle Summers, a beautiful, light brown girl, and J.C. Lee, a red head with an attitude. Their gift to me was one trip to the floor, provided courteously by Michelle. I went home after that, ignoring my parents, and started to train.

The days following was a constant cycle of this. Go to school, get bullied, go home, and train, with the occasional hang time with Astrid. At one point though, I started to not pay attention during class. I would think about the boys, and wonder how they were doing. I'd leave school with a pain in my chest, which would carry into my training. I would think, I will train harder. So I can leave these people. That way I can return to the boys and not have to be so much of a burden. So I can protect them.

This all led me to today. As I headed out the doors to go home, with my typical good-bye from the populars, Astrid calls my name, urging me to come to the non-crowded side of the building. I walk around and come up to her, both of us with a smile on our face.

"Hey, Astrid! What's up?" I ask her, happy to see a friendly face.

"Well, what's up is actually you." She says with a smile that didn't match her tone of voice.

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