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Jungkook wasn't even returning his calls which made Jimin sulk all day

By the end of the day, he just wanted to go home and cry his frustration out. He sighs as he sits in his seat, dreaming about seeing the taller again

Jimin nearly jumps when he hears a voice whispering into his ears "Is this seat taken?"

"Jungkook!" Jimin stands up in shock

"Missed me?" Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows making Jimin blush

"What are you doing on this bus?" Jimin ignores Jungkook's question

Jungkook smiles as he sits down before pulling Jimin down to sit as well making the smaller gasp

"To answer your question.." Jungkook says holding Jimin's hands in his own "...I am taking the morning shift from now on..."

"Oh..." Jimin blushes "..what made you change your mind?" Jimin asks hoping to hear a you from the taller - Jungkook had told him in their late night to early morning conversations as to why he takes night shifts

"My boyfriend doesn't like me taking night shifts anymore" Jungkook shrugs his shoulders

"What?!" Jimin's eyes widen, he didn't expect that as a reason at all

"My boyfriend... he.."

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend. You never told me" Jimin says rudely interrupting Jungkook

"Oh. I'm sorry I should have. He is perfect.. He is kind sweet smart loving funny..." Jungkook says dreamily making Jimin frown "Here.. this is him.." Jungkook says showing Jimin his phone

Jimin half wanted to take the phone and throw it out the window but he still wanted to know who the person was that made Jungkook look like he was his own world

Jimin gasps when Jungkook shows him the phone, only to see his face on the mobile camera's selfie mode

"Gorgeous isn't he?" Jungkook chuckles seeing Jimin's reddening face

"He isn't your boyfriend.." Jimin says making Jungkook stop smiling "..yet"

"Oh really?" Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows again as he leans down to face Jimin

"Okay okay he is your boyfriend" Jimin says embarrassed at the closeness

Jungkook nearly jumps up in excitement but controls himself as he caresses the smaller's hands "How did I get so lucky?" Jungkook sighs

"Why don't I show you just how lucky you will get tonight?" Jimin whispers into Jungkook's ear making Jungkook gasp at Jimin's sudden boldness

The end  

[26] BUS LOVE - JIKOOK [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now