A Stranger's Gift (Unrevised)

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Since i received many complaints about how straightforward, monotone, and linear the current storyline is, I decided to re-compile the entire thing in the next page (and leave this one here as a portfolio, i guess?)

With that said, the current part will be discontinued will yet will be re-written and continued with better storytelling on the next page (something like Part1 rev2.0) 

*If you wish not to have any spoilers, please do proceed to the next "chapter"*

Sorry for the inconvenience (^^;



"Chen" that's what my master called me, I am a youkai; a bakeneko if you insist. A youkai bakeneko, fueled by everyone's Fear and Hatred.

"A Black cat of Bad omens," they said.

Everyone hates me for I'm a sign of misfortune for them. They drive me away, rejected me, hated me.

All of my life, all of this hatred they threw at me.
I have enveloped with hatred myself.

I've developed hatred to Humankind.

I hated them for Rejecting me.

I hated them for Throwing me away.

I hated them for hating me.


Today was a fairly usual day if it's not for my encounter with him, The first human that I ever adore.

My master hasn't come back since the day before, and that means I'd have to look for food myself, and as usual, I went to the youkai mountain, waiting for a human unfortunate enough to wander into my vicinity.

It was quite a long wait when I finally find my prey. I was already starving back then. I sneaked in, waiting for the perfect time to ambush, but out of my misfortune, my hands slipped, rustling the bush where I was hiding.

Startled, the human looked back to where the sound came from, I wasn't fast enough to hide. clearly, He saw me.

As I was cowering behind a tree re-planning my next actions. Out of my starvation, my stomach growled. Panicked me to the state where I can't think clearly anymore.

And by that time, I could hear the human's footsteps, slowly approaching me.

I couldn't think about anything other than to defend myself, as there is no human that's bold enough to approach a youkai like me. Unless that he's strong enough.

A brief moment later, he's already there.

Our eyes met

For the first time

With a questioned look on his face, he stepped back

Startled, I also stepped back

There's a brief silence before he kneeled, reached out his backpack, then he took something out of it. it doesn't look dangerous to me, nor it doesn't look like a weapon at all, yet I still warned of whatever will happen next

He handed the thing to me, I was still cautious until he said:
"take it.."

My head is filled with questions when he said that.
I stepped back in disbelief of what was just happened.

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