Part 2

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A tale filled with triumph. A story full of love. A battle for the most cunning. A bond unbreakable, even by death. A tale filled with loss. A story full of rancor. A surrender for the weak. The bond that broke from love. Through this tale of two sisters, one an angel and one a demon, let whispers fill your spirit with blithe. Listen and you may find, a new meaning to life.


Black gloom hangs around the castle. Heavy darkness on everyone's hearts. Dark anguish covers everything. The sky is grey in honor of our parents' deaths. Everyone loved them. I wasn't close to them.

It is dawn. My sister is outside under the willow tree. I don't know why she is sitting on the ground even though there are benches everywhere. Personal preference, I guess. Her loss. We got news of our parents' deaths only today. My father... killed defending his country. My mother... killed giving birth to a child who also died. My sister, Isa, is destined to be queen. Though younger than me, it was written in our parent's will.

The funeral is going to be held in two weeks time, and the coronation one week after that. The whole country is going to show up. My sister and I are supposed to give speeches. I know Isa will... but I don't think I will even go to visit my parent's dead bodies. There is no point.

"Lady Isa?" I turn around and look at the maid. She quickly curtsies. "May I assist you in making a gown for the funeral?"

"Not right now," I reply coldly. "You may go."

The maid quickly hurries away from me. I turn back to the window. My sister is no longer in the garden, though the guards who are supposed to be watching her remain at their posts. I sigh and turn back around. I find my sister standing behind me. Her eyes are bloodshot and her black, silk dress is caked in dirt. She was close enough to our parents for both of us.

"I know you weren't close to our parents, Isa, but would it kill you to show a little sympathy to everyone who is mourning?"

"Who knows Emalyn. It might."

"You do plan on coming with me to the funeral, right?"

"Who knows. I might decide to disguise myself as a guard. Now one would recognize me anyway. You were always in the spotlight. I doubt the actual guards would notice if I pretended to be one of them."

"You never know. Things change. I bet they would notice if the princess was among them."

"Sure. We'll go with that."

"I have things I need to do. Walk with me?"

"No. I am going to stand here for a while and hope an assassin sees me."

"Always a dark one, aren't you?"

"You know it."

"Have a good day Emalyn."

"No day is a good day," I mutter under my breath as my sister walks away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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