Dr. Mario Almanza of Tijuana: Preventing Hypertension through Nutrition

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Dr. Mario Almanza of Tijuana, Mexico, understands the importance of educating his community about how to nurture good health and prevent diseases like hypertension through good nutrition, such as the following:

Eating a balanced diet is crucial, being sure to include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables along with whole grains and high quality protein that will help moderate blood pressure, not to mention provide a wealth of health benefits. Minimizing alcohol intake can also play a big part in stabilizing your blood pressure.

Try to minimize salt in your diet, as salt directly causes blood pressure to rise. Consider using spices and herbs to flavor your food as an alternative, such as garlic, basil, thyme, and oregano.

Getting regular exercise will help control blood pressure, even if the movement is gentle, such as a daily walk for twenty minutes.

Dr. Mario Almanza is a surgeon of the Mexican Social Security Institute in Tijuana.



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