Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

           And there goes my alarm. I hit the clock to shut it off and turn over in my bed trying to go to back to sleep but my bed buddy and partner in crime licks my face.

         "OK buddy, I'm up! I'm up" I say to him rubbing his head and getting out of bed. I sit on the edge of the bed before getting up and going to the bathroom. I have a quick shower, brush my teeth, comb my hair and put on a little make up as well to make myself presentable before going out to my bedroom rapped in my a towel. I put on my undergarments then went into the closet for my outfit of the day.

          Then I descended the stairs to feed my buddy Rex. I walk into the kitchen and fill his bowl with doggy pebbles and refill his water as well can't have him get thirsty now can we. As soon as I step away from his bowls he immediately starts eating his fill. "He can be such a Hog sometime" I think to myself.

         I got a couple eggs and some bacon to start making my breakfast as rex already has his. While I put on the bacon I also make a pot of coffee while I am at it as well. I don't think I can go or live with the entire pot of coffee this morning. After the breakfast is ready and my coffee ready, I take it to the island and started eating and reading my favorite pastime in the morning which is my comics in the morning's newspaper.

        I laughed at how stupid some of them are and Rex looks at me like I am strange or better yet an idiot. I just smiled at him and put my dishes in the dishwasher, then I went back upstairs to collect my things and apply a little lip-gloss. When I gathered everything I needed, I took a look in the mirror at my 5 foot 7 inches body.

        I then turned to Rex and said "be a good boy today OK. I don't want to come home and see a mess again. Got it buddy?" I kiss his forehead and go out the door. As I walk out my door I see my two best friends looking like they are trying to make a baby on my porch swing. I cleared my throat with a smile letting them that I am here. I remember like it was yesterday how they first met two years ago at a bar we went to have me let loose and get over my cheating asshole of a ex-boyfriend that by the way he cheated with one of my friends.


           We were off our rockers, we were so messed up and I mean we were dead drunk. We had to be after taking in so many shots of vodka and whiskey. We were trying to play pool and let me tell you we know nothing about playing pool not one bit. In trying to play it we noticed to guy checking us out by the bar, it looks like they are talking to each other as well.

         They don't look like the kind of guys you see a future with but why the hell not; let's have a little fun tonight. A couple minutes later they finally headed over to us with their drinks in hand.

         "My name is Scott and this is brother Felix" the taller one said. The shorter one gives us a curt nod. That's when Piper introduces us to them and take the drink from Scott and downs it like its nothing but water. Felix then offered me his drink but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that is telling me that something wasn't right so I politely declined his drink.

"No thank you but can you teach us how to play" I say as I motioned towards the pool table.

         He nods then grabs the pole stick from my hand and says "come on then I'll show you how it's done".

       We finished the game in no time thanks to the guys of course; then we danced a little having some fun while we are at it and we danced to the music. Piper and I grinded against each other like we always do then I looked around and that's when I noticed that the guys are giving us creepy looks. Then I see them looking at each other as if they are silently communicating.

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