Chapter 2

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          Looking at them with a smile; they returned the favor looking a little red from the embarrassment of being caught.

"Good Morning Ally" they said in union then looked at each other shyly.

        "Good Morning to you guys too and from the looks of it, it's too good of a morning" I said laughing at them and I continued with saying "Come on now bestie is time for work not time to conceive on my porch".

      "Oh bestie you know me any time my honey-bunches of oats is around its time to make babies" she replied smiling at me.

     "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Well break it up, stop sucking faces in front of my door that's not the scene I want to see so early in the damn morning Also do not make babies on my porch do on yours that's just disgusting the only person that is going to get a good ravishing on this porch is me so break it up, Its time for work and if we are late again we might as well fire ourselves for being late too many times" I countered.

"Well thank god we own the business then" she said with a giggle.

      They kiss once more as we said our goodbyes for the day. We walked away from him to my car. On the way to work we talk what we have been up to the last couple of days that we didn't see each other. As for me when I was not busy with clients and getting files and projects completed, I would be a home snuggled up on my couch with my bud Rex watching reruns of Charmed.

      I know! I know! It's pathetic but hey I love the show and also, I can relate to Phoebe in her quest for love with by the way has no end in sight. She has been hasn't have any luck in finding it like her sister Piper which is coincidentally has the same name as my best friend that does like each other have found there true love.

      "I am throwing my boo a surprise party next weekend so you are going to help me with it" she said.

I replied "and who said I wasn't too busy to help"

     "Oh please we both know that you are going to help me whether you like it or not so shut and drive" she stated.

        I just laughed at her. "Before I forget did I tell you there is this fire fighter joining the station and I was told that he hella hot, I mean they say he was scorching H-O-T and from the glimpse of what I say the other day I would have to agree" she said.

"Is that because he is a firefighter Piper?" I said.

      "No it is not because he is a fire fighter that he is scorching hot but I think it must be his genetics" she replied.

      "Yeah so he is gorgeous, so what? What does that have to do with me.....hmmm?" I joked. She gives me the look and we both start cracking up. The thing with Piper is, I sighed. Is that she has her prince charming she found him so she is always trying to hock me up with someone every chance she gets in hoping that I find my prince charming too. That's one of the reasons I love her so much, she doesn't want me to give up on love and if I start to give up she is right there to make sure I keep trying no matter what. I guess no I know she only wants me to happy so I go along with it but I am in no hurry at all or maybe I am just a tiny bit.

         As we pulled up to our four story building I see the parking lot is already full so thank god we are the owners and we have our own spot with our names there to restrict persons from parking there. We parked and got out with our things with Piper telling me about the party and all that's going to needed and things that have to be done to make the party a hit.

        As we walk in our security guard Dave looking worried said to us "Ally, I just wanted you to get the ends and be prepared before you go in to your office". I said "What's going on Dave?" and he replied with a "Drew was out sick so Brad was sent in his stead".

       "Oh I appreciate the warning Dave, Thanks very much" I said looking in his stormy grey eyes then put my head down when he is gone pulling a deep breath to calm myself because I am going to need to be calm for Brad's stupid ass.

       I composed myself trying to look professional a little more than usual but I am going to need to be this way to get through this meeting. In the conference room I walked for the meeting and there he is, Brad my high school love. He was my everything back then, I had thought we would be together forever that was until I caught his ass cheating.

       I thought we were both happy and I thought he loved me like I loved him but the love or infatuation that I had for him made my blind to what was going on behind my back. Everyone thought that we were the golden couple, the prom king and queen that were going to leave high school and conquer the world together. They thought we were the couple in high school that was going to last forever, the ones that were going to get married, get our careers and make babies but every one including me was wrong.

        We were in our third year in college when it all went downhill, I was to meet him at his frat house that day to go out because we haven't been seen much of each other lately because of school and our part time jobs. So I had wanted to make the special for the both of us, I thought bitterly, I had wanted to give him a surprise to show him how much I missed him the past few weeks. Only thing was it was I that was in for a surprise, I reached his room at 6:30pm half an hour early than I was supposed to.

        It is a time that has been engraved in my brain forever. I had walked into his room without knocking because I am his the girl friend why would I need to knock. I had made one of his favorite dishes and placed it in a glass plate only to have it just fall from my hands as I stepped in his room, it was like I had no strength in them anymore. There on his bed was him and my supposed friend 'Brit' sucking faces naked. My heart just like the plate shattered in a billion pieces it was as if he held my heart in his hands and squeezed in the life out of it. He was the one I called and she was one of my best friends, she knew how much I loved him.

      So the questions that ran through me was, why did he do this to? Why did she? Still to this day I have trust issues in relationships, that's one of the main factors why I haven't moved on fully to find love and the one to be called mine. I guess I'm just scared to have the same thing happen to me again but in time I'll have to take the leap but in the meantime I'll go by the saying 'time will heal all wounds'.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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