The Middle

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A week later, I'm beginning to adjust to my new life. I no longer lose my way trying to get from my apartment to the office in the mornings; I've even shown up early today to make a good impression.

It's 7:30 in the morning and I'm sitting on the steps outside, my knees pressed to my chest as I sip on my latte. The office doesn't open until 8:00, but I've learned that Pikachu always arrives early as well. Part of me yearns for extra time with him, even if it's only a brief bit in the mornings. I tell myself I'm probably only so taken with him because he's the first person I've genuinely connected with in the city so far. He lingers in my thoughts even at night when I'm trying to sleep. Surely that's totally normal.

It's almost quarter of 8 when I see him waddling surely down the sidewalk towards me. I smile and wave in his direction, standing to greet him. He quirks his eyebrows in surprise when he sets his eyes on me. "Early today, huh? What a pleasure." My cheeks burn at his words, but he brushes past without seeming to notice and unlocks the door.

We settle side by side at the large wooden table in our office, files upon files spread out before us. The case he's assigned for us to take on together is all too frustrating. Multiple homicides have taken place on the west side of town in this week alone, and we still have no leads. I look over at him and see his brows furrowed in concentration. He's biting his lip as he reads a file for what must be the billionth time. Something about his expression stirs something inside me, lust I immediately suppress. I jerk my head back and stare down at the file open in front of me, refusing to let myself look at him again. I try my hardest to read the words on the page but my mind refuses to abandon the thoughts of Pikachu's paws on my body.

I shiver and shove my chair back, standing up quickly. "I have to go to the bathroom," I blurt out.

He glances up at me for a moment, confusion seeping onto his face in place of concentration. "Are you okay?" I turn on my heel and rush down the hall without responding.
I close the door behind myself and fumble to lock it. My legs tremble as I sink down onto the closed lid of the toilet and put my face in my hands, sighing loudly. My mind is flooded with flashes of Pikachu and I doing unspeakable things. Guilt seeps into my bones more and more as seconds pass until I feel too heavy to function. I can't think of him like this, not now or ever.

It feels like I've been in here forever by the time I hear a soft tapping on the door. "Is everything okay, (y/n)?" Pikachu asks, his voice muffled. "I'm worried about you."

With reluctant hands I unlock the door and open it slowly. I'm trembling and fighting back tears when I look down at his eyes, wide and overflowing with concern. A tear falls from my cheek at the sight. "I'm sorry," I whisper as I step past him. He grabs my hand, holding it firmly in his paws until I turn back to face him once more.

"Come here," he says softly. I kneel down on the floor, shaking openly as the last of my resolve fades and I can't help but sob. He wraps his fuzzy arms around me the best that he can and cradles me, shushing me until I quiet down. I pull back and sniffle, avoiding making eye contact by staring down at my knees instead. I don't see it coming— before I even process what's happening, I feel his mouth on mine and his paws grasping my face firmly.

Detective Pikachu x Reader (Smut) ((NSFW))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat