Chapter Three: It's A Date Then...

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I was going to quit this but I just figured out a good twist to this (; this chapter might be short, although, so please excuse me.

Chapter Three:

A tempted chill ran down Niall's back as he shoved his hands into his trouser pockets. He was going to do this. He's best friends with Zayn so why is this so hard for him to even ask Zayn if he wanted to see that new horror film that just came out.

His blue eyes scanned over the cement steps that lead all the way up to the front school doors. It was after school and not that much people were hanging around. It was just Zayn, Perrie, Liam, and Harry. For some very odd reason, Louis wasn't around.

In fact, Louis wasn't in school today. Louis had perfect attendance. Always. Never mind that - why is Zayn haning out with Louis' minions? Niall's eyebrows pulled together in question.

His heart flipped as he took a step forward, emerging from behind a tall tree. Zayn's head was the first to snap up. Niall felt heat creep onto his cheeks.

"Niall?" Zayn rasped, squeezing Perrie's hand slightly. Niall felt his fingers go numb and his throat tighten up suddenly. "What are you doing out here, ey?" He wondered.

The roof of Niall's tongue itched. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to go see that new film that just came out tomorrow." He replied.

The seconds ticked by as hours and days. Zayn and Perrie exchanged glances, while Harry tried to keep in his laughter. Niall slowly felt bad for himself. But why? Zayn hasn't said no yet.

Perrie's clear blue eyes clouded, "We're sorry Niall but Zayn and I were going to hang out together." She said with disappointment masking her voice.

Niall felt embarrassment itch onto him. He cheeks turned rosy and his eyes darted between Zayn and Perrie. Suddenly, anger arose in his heart. Why isn't Zayn going against Perrie?! Zayn and Niall ALWAYS did things together! Ugh, it's all Perrie's fault.

Liam's chocolate eyes sparkled. "I'd like to go with you."

Niall looked over at Liam, who was grinning like an idiot. Niall didn't want to seem like a total prick so he smiled warmly and said, "Meet me in front of -"

Liam cut him off. "I've been over to Zayn's house; I know where you live so I'll come and get you."

"Okay then... well, I'll meet you there." He said in his thick Irish accent and shuffled away. He was going to take a shower, get dressed, and go to the movies. It's not going to be that bad, Niall told himself. Although, he'd rather go with Zayn. Maybe getting to know Liam could be a good thing, right? It wasn't like he's a bad student and he seemed like a very good friend.

Especially since Niall currently had none.

Score 1 for Perrie, 0 for Niall.


Niall took another bite at his slice of pizza and looked at himself in his bedroom mirror. He looked decent. His blue/green Free Hugs shirt was nice and snug, his khaki pants were okay as well. Maybe the Ray Bans were a bit harsh.

Running his fingers smoothly through his blond hair, it just stuck back up in place. He sighed and dropped his pizza slice back into the box. Whatever, he was just going to go like this.

As if one cue, the doorbell rang and Niall hurried downstairs with his phone in his hand. When he opened the door, Liam stood there with his iPhone in his hands. His chocolate eyes flickered over Niall and a warm, brief smile grew onto his lips.

"Ready?" He asked, jingling the car keys in his hands.

Niall nodded slightly as he shut and locked the door behind him. His mum already knew where he was heading to and with, so she shouldn't be concerned.

As they climbed into the car, Niall didn't dare say a word.


The soft purring of the engine occupied both boys, caking them in total silence. Until Liam cleared his throat and shifted uneasily.

"So I just wanted to say that I am sorry about Zayn and Perrie." Liam opened up.

Niall's head snapped over quickly. "How do you know about my feelings?" Niall retorted, not in a mean way. He ran his fingers through his bleached hair and stared out towards the slowly fading sun. Irritation started to gnaw at him furiously. How come it was like Liam suddenly knew everything?

Liam gave him a simple glare. "Niall, believe it or not but I used to date Perrie ages ago. She stole Harry and Louis away from me and she's really feisty. She does that to everyone.

"When we used to date, Perrie would always want to take me places and wanted me to hang out with her. Harry told me that he misses the LHL - that's Louis, Harry, and me - and Perrie just kept giving them rude glares. Of course I was naive and I didn't believe them; Louis even threatened to punch me if I don't break up with her. And so I dumped her and she swore that she's gonna get payback."

Niall tried to translate everything Liam had just told him now but his mind was swirling with the possibilities of that happening with him. But has Perrie got Liam back for "what he did" even what he did was right?

"Did she ever... get payback?" Niall wondered.

Liam shook his head.

"How do you know all of this?"

Liam raised a thick brown eyebrow and parked the vehicle in the packed parking lot. "I told you I was good with problems now didn't I? C'mon now, we're here and we don't want to miss the beginning of the movie."


After the movie Niall and Liam walked out of the theatre. Niall shoved his hands farther into his pants pockets and looked up at the twinkling stars shining bright above their heads. It was a beautiful canvas to dream upon, but Niall just couldn't think about falling asleep. His mind was clipping with scenes of the horror film and the whole Zayn/Perrie thing.

Niall was halfway focused throughout the whole entire movie. Whenever the main male character made out with the female character, Niall thought about Zayn and Perrie snogging. When there was a boyxboy scene going on, he would instantly imagine the Irish lot and the dark-haired beauty making out.

Strange as it was, it actually felt kind of... comfortable to think about that.

"That was a good movie," Liam sighed as they walked through the busy parking lot, looking for Liam's midnight black Bently. Once they found it and climbed in, Niall felt awfully relieved to go see that film with him instead of Zayn. It was something hard to face. But somehow in his heart it was the truth.


"Thank you so much, Liam. I couldn't have gone with another lad." Niall thanked, his fingers trembling as he tried to take off the seatbelt.

Liam smiled simply, "Same with you." Liam slowly leaned against Niall, the seatbelt slipping forward. Niall's breath hitched up a bit as a tingling sensation occured throughout his fingertips. Liam cupped Niall's warm pink cheeks with his hands and pressed their lips together. Moving in sync, Niall's eyes widened and stared, horrifyingly into Liam's shocking brown ones. They pulled away quickly, the single peck lasting for about two seconds.

Liam shook his head in disappointment. "I'm sorry, I have to go." He swallowed. Niall hurried out of the car, being sure to grab his phone, and hurried up the steps to his house. The lights were on inside so his family must be home.

Niall slammed the door behind him and pressed his hot back against the door. That was awkward, he thought breathing heavily.


sorry for the long update guys! i know its not much and yeah. I'm writing a B-side to this chapter RIGHT NOW.

Irish Kisses - a Ziall *ON HOLD*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن