Chapter Six: Party

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Chapter Six

Niall stood outside Zayn's front door. When Zayn had answered the door after a few dead seconds, Niall felt his stomach flip and his mind started to race with the text messages that flashed in his mind. He wanted to shut them out but they seemed to be haunting him almost.

"Ready?" Zayn asked. Niall swalled thickly and nodded eargerly. He really was ready. He was extremely ready in fact. Niall gave Zayn a swift grin in reply as they started making their way towards Zayn's car. Niall knew Zayn didn't know how to drive that well, so lets just pray that they won't get in a car crash or something.


"I heard the party's going to be sick, haven't you?" Niall asked, breaking the awkward silence that occured between the two. Zayn kept his eyes peeled out on the rode before them, the sky was starting to turn to a deep scarlet with a bit of purple. Hints of twinkling lights happened on the endless canvas. Concluded, it was beautiful.

Zayn just shrugged his shoulders in reply, "I heard it was supposed to be radical, but that was according to Perrie." His voice was trailing off near the end.

Niall felt guilt poke at him endlessly. He just wanted to swallow it away but it stayed as a heavy lump in the middle of his throat. Oh God. He hated that feeling.

"Zayn, we don't have to go if you don't want to. I heard she's supposed to be there so we can just watch a few films over at my flat, maybe?" he said. Niall had to fight the urge to grasp onto Zayn's tensed hand and to kiss him all over -to make all the pain go away.

But Zayn just shook his head in reply. "That's not what I'm so worried about."

"Then what is it?"

Concern bit at Zayn's muttered words, leaving a trail of bitterness at the tip of his tongue. "I'm afraid she's going to hurt you, Niall. She might be coming at you next and torture your life like making fun of how you and that dumb Liam Payne snogged you in his car the other day."

He regretted every single word that left his mouth. He wanted to shove them back into his head and just shrug as if to say 'foget it'. But the words came out anyways.

'Good fucking job, Zayn, you always ruin something' he thought.

Niall felt his cheeks turn completely red and heat risen to his ears. He stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets and clenched his jaw. So, he's seen the pictures. That must've explained the text messages earlier about being 'gay'. Oh God. What else is he going to see? Niall making love to himself in a public bathroom or something? ...Gross.

Niall had no other choice but to confess, "It's true. Liam Payne snogged me, and he's my friend." He declared as if to end every conversation they ever had.

Zayn felt his heart twist in his chest. He wanted to explode with anger and literally drop kick Niall out of his car. But there was something that stopped his body to do so; his feelings.

But he didn't. There was just a pang that made him grip the steering wheel even tighter as he stared ahead. Now that he thought about it, he wanted to be Liam. Zayn wanted to be the one to snog Niall in the car that night. He wanted to be that close to Niall that night. He was just lucky they were in the same vehicle.

But for goodness sake, he won't ever get the chance now. Niall probably just loved Liam and Liam only now.

There was an awkward silence lingering between the two boys. Niall wanted to say something - anything! - but Zayn already defeated him, "Oh. I w-was just wondering. That's nice. Is he a cool guy? He seems cool."

Niall swallowed thickly, the big lump sliding down his tight throat. "Yeh, he's quite awesome, in fact. I have a feeling that you two would get on pretty nicely, I guess." Niall grinned as his phone buzzed.

He pulled it out to see that Liam was calling. He answered the call, holding the phone up to his ears.

"Aye Niall, you comin' ?" Liam's voice rang statically behind blaring rap music. Niall imagined Liam bobbing his head slightly in the sick tune.

"LIAM YOU'RE AT THE PARTY WHAT THE HELL." Niall shrieked, causing Zayn to flinch a bit. Niall put a supportive hand on Zayn's shoulder to let him know that he was sorry for the sudden outburst.

"Yeh, I figured you'd come along anyways. You're a carefree Irish lad y'know have a few drinks and dance."

Niall swallowed down a bit of bile, the taste stinging the back of his throat. "Yeah, I'm coming with Zayn right now."

"You mean that lot who's dating Perrie?" Liam's voice hitched up a bit near the end of his sentence.

"Yeah," Niall suddenly got the thought of when Liam told him of when he used to date Perrie.

"Cool... Well Louis and Harry are pranking some lanky dudes and they need some help. See you soon?"

"Yeah sure."

Liam hung up


"I seriously d'kn-know where he uh, went Leeeyummmmmm . Niallllll, I lost himm hel-help me." Louis sobbed, his words slurring together. Niall glanced at Liam who exchanged a glance with Zayn.

The four of them were in the huge master bathroom, trying to clean up Louis a bit. When he was drunk, he was the very emotional kind but maybe he had TOOO much to drink.

There was a ringing in Liam's jeans pocked and he pulled out his phone. Answering it, he said calmly "Yeh, he's very upset unfortunately."

Harry was on the other line, about 43% sober. "He just walked away from me. Is he with you?"

"Yeh. We're in the front bathroom."

Suddenly, after a few seconds later, Liam hung up and he rubbed the small of Louis' back. "Harry's coming for you right now, Lou. Contain yourself."

Louis started hesitating and looking around. Niall rocked on his heels then to the balls of his feel; heels then the balls of his feet.

"What the hell."

All four boys' heads snapped up, expecting to find the curly-haired lot standing there. But their eyes trailed up long tanned legs, slender hips, and long blond hair cascading over it's left shoulder.

That was no Harry Styles.

That was Perrie Edwards.



heya guys , if you wouldnt mind , could you please follow my twitter @Akiraaahxo . i would really appreciate it and to know my beautiful wattpad followers are there with me lln c: thanks lovelies & be sure to see the next chapter in about a whole year .

Hah , kidding .

Bye peeps ! c: .xox

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