Chapter 2

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3 person POV

'So this is it' she thought as the blackness consumed her 'goodbye world'

Suddenly flashes of white lights covered the black. the black nothingness soon became white.

Lily closed her eyes for the light was too strong... 'Agh...fuck....there was an afterlife' She thought

When she opened her eyes she saw a very handsome man in a throne. 'typical, after all, I am the main character'  

 'typical, after all, I am the main character'  

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The room is a big throne room, with shimmering diamond walls, filled with artifacts from every era.

Sitting on a throne made of gold, a handsome man. his hair as white as white can be. His sharp golden eyes reading a book quietly. 

His legs were crossed to a comfortable position, It looked like he didn't have a care in the world.

If any girl or guy saw this handsome guy they would surely faint. Lilly however, was not affected by his looks.

'This must be the place where I'll get judged. I think that's the king of gods. since truck-san hit me I'm probably getting reincarnated' She read a lot of manga...

The man chuckled as he flipped the page of his book.

He looked at lily with his beautiful Golden eyes " Well it looks like I don't have to explain anything~" he winked at Lilly.

She was unfazed by the winking. " you read my mind " She smiled. 

He was at first shocked that she didn't blush or give any reaction. he quickly composed himself before anyone noticed. 

" Well aren't you smart Lilly~ " he Smirked

"Well of course I am, didn't you know that? aren't you the one who made me?" She said completely unfazed. 

He didn't know what to say, for the first time.

She giggled softly and dropped her act. "so am I gonna be reincarnated or what?"

He snapped out of it then chuckled softly.  "actually, we have to keep you here for two months, in case you want to change your mind"

"Alright, I'm fine with that!" she smiled as she looked around the room. she started to walk around the room admiring the historical objects "By the way, what's your name?"

He was looking at her, she seemed familiar to him. "My name is Theo, King of gods and creator of gods" Theo smiled.

Lily walked over to him "Well it's nice to meet you Theo" she extended her hand for a handshake

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