Chapter 1

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"Now, my daughter, please behave like an obedient omega that you are. Don't embarrass me any further, or else I'll punish you if I have to, regardless whether you're my daughter or not. You have been humiliating me quite badly in a few past meetings and celebrations with the others. Do you understand me? I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour from my own offspring."

I nodded distractedly, playing with my stuffed toy and barely paying attention to his pep-talk, as I'd like to call it.

My father always had this "brilliant" idea of instructing me on what to do and what not to do every time before we went out in public in front of his fellow royal alphas from foreign kingdoms. Not like I would even follow his rules anyway, which is most probably the cause of why I've been purposely ruining every single celebration or party that we went to, and really put all my efforts in "making a fool out of him".

Hey, I mean you can't blame me when the other alpha children there always find some reason to bully me or to take advantage of me - just because I'm an omega. That's exactly why I had to prove them wrong and stand up for myself, as I'd like to call it.

Meanwhile, my father, upon noticing that I wasn't even paying attention to him, changed his tone before continuing, "Listen carefully to what I say, girl. Behave like a good omega at the party, and I will mercifully set you up with an adequate alpha for you to bond with when it's your turn to take over the kingdom."

I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time and grumbled, "Yes, Father..."

He sighed.

"What is it with her that she doesn't listen? My alpha command always works on every omega except for her...Is it because she's still young and doesn't listen?" He mumbled to himself, thinking that I wasn't listening.

There is another alternative to why his daughter doesn't obey his commands, but the king will never admit it until the real answer to his problems is being shoved right onto his face.


"Well, well... what do we have here?"

Before my mind could process anything, the stuffed cat that I was playing with was suddenly snatched from my grasp.

"Hey! Give it back!" I shouted.

"How about no?" A kid around my age approached me. He wasn't very tall or big-built, he was mostly around my size. I scoffed angrily at him.

As I struggled to get my toy back from him, his friends (whom I assumed them to be) surrounded us. They seem to be like your typical cocky royal alphas; tall, arrogant and authoritarian.

"Haha, look at her. Still playing with her stuffed toy. How old are you already kid?" One of his friends laughed, his eyes turning up into crescents.

"So? There's nothing wrong with cuddling and having a stuffed toy at my age. You guys are the same age as me and I'm pretty sure I've seen you cuddling with a soft toy not long ago Jen." I retorted.

Jeno, or Jen for short as I like to call him, growled deeply and was about to launch himself at me if it weren't for his other friends holding him back.

"Don't interfere with my matters. Let me handle this." The kid who was still holding onto my stuffed toy spoke.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"The name's Jisung, sweetheart, and I think you should start learning some manners around alphas like us, kid."

"Yeah like real. Try me." I retorted.

He scoffed, turning to his friends, giving like a Can you believe what she's saying? look.

He took a few steps forward, moving right in front of my face.

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