151: Free

182 14 7

I was flying
High above.
I let the wind
Make me groove.
I enjoyed as the
Flower petals gently
Kissed my face
And the sunlight
Keeping me warm.
I felt a raindrop
Land onto my cheeks
And then another
And then another
And then more.
I witnessed the
Dead leaves,
Like the petty issues
In life,

I ran my fingers
Through my hair
And got rid of the
Hair band that was
Tieing it down.
I untangled the messes
And let my hair lose.
I set it free.
I set myself free.
Observing the glee around
I noticed my shadow,
And for the first time
It was free
Bounded by nothing,
And so was I.


QOTD: Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.

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