I need to get this off my chest

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I really needed to get this off my chest.. so what better way than by writing a book?

To everyone who is reading this or is/has been effected in any bad way like depression or is suicidal etc. this is for you.. actually this is for all of you.

All of you are human. I don't know if you believe in God but i do. I believe that he created us in his own image. His work is perfect and therefore makes us all perfect.

So those of you who don't believe in him or isn't religious let me tell you, even if he created us or not we are all beautiful and unique in our own different ways.

We all have something special about us. Something that sets us apart from everybody else.

I remember when i thought that "hey everyone is talented but i have no talent"

But boy was i wrong....

I discovered my talent... and that's helping people out.

Every single person in this world is special and has a talent.

Even if it isn't sports or music... even if it's just helping somebody out, that is something to be grateful for.

Everyday do you see that beautiful girl walking past you? Or do you see that one guy who gets 100 more likes on their photo of them showing their abbs?

But you don't have the abbs and you don't have model material. You feel self-conscious..

Well let me tell you... you actually don't need any of that to be honest. You don't need makeup! You don't need piercings! Girls you don't need short shirts and mini skirts to impress guys. Guys you don't need abbs to impress girls.

Beauty is what's on the inside not on the outside.

I know what most of you are going through and i know it's tough, especially when you're at it alone.

You actually may think you're alone.. but you seriously aren't.

There's people all around you..heck even all around the world that are going through what you are going through.

Those are actually the three words that should be stuck in your head.

And i don't mean the "I love you"

I mean the "You're not alone"

Those three words are so important it isn't funny.

Imagine one day you see some one you love or care for so much dead or waking up and forgetting who you are? I know what it feels like, it feels horrible.

I want you to imagine these things:

-You walk in on your bestfriend who has a rope around their neck about to jump off the chair...

-You walk into the bathroom to see your sister/brother lying on the floor in a puddle of blood.

-Your driving on a bridge and past one of your parents/guardians about to jump off the bridge.

-Your boyfriend/girlfriend laying in the hospital bed emotionless and all you hear is that one final beep go off and the rest is one straight line. Dead.

Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.

They'll be dead. Do you feel sad right now? Do you feel like crying? Do you feel like calling them up and just saying I love you and i care about you or giving them a big hug?

The feeling you feel now is how they'll feel if you try to kill yourself or harm yourself in anyway.

Now whose heard about one of the greatest actors who recently died?

Well if you haven't, his name is Robin Williams. He starred in Jumanji, Mrs. Doubtfire, Old dogs, Night Of The Museum and many more.

He was one of my favorite actors and inspirations since i was little.

I always thought he was very happy and jolly.. turns out he wasn't.

I guess what you see on the outside isn't what is going on in the inside.

Now apparently he died because he killed himself and was depressed. I'm not sure if that is actually true but yeah rest in peace Robin Williams!

So not only do we go through this but celebrities do as well.

Everybody was brought up into this world to live not to kill themselves!

Or harm themselves.

Cutting. That is a serious issue too!

You may say "Oh but it takes the pain away"

Honestly it doesn't.

It only makes it worst. Killing or self-harming does not make everything in life go well or good. It turns bad.

Okay everyone who is about to kill or maybe harm themselves... Do one thing first before you do anything else. It's called STLT.

S - Stop

T - Talk

L - Listen

T - Think

First you Stop what you're about to do and i mean stop filling the bath up with water, tying the rope around your neck or even laying anything sharp on yourself.

Second you Talk. Tell somebody and let it out, let it all out....because you can't keep something like this to yourself and you can't not tell anybody why they found you dead the next day without a reason. Talk to someone even if it's a friend who you haven't seen in years, just at least tell somebody!

Third you Listen and listen carefully. What people will tell you will matter because it will effect your decision on doing it. Listen to what they have to say and give them a chance. What i'm saying is hear them out.

Last of all Think. Think about what you're gonna do, think about how it will effect not only yourself, but other as well. Think about how life would be without you. Think about what's gonna happen when you die and ask yourself are you ready...?ready to die and give up on yourself?

We all must have dreams we want to accomplish, you can't chase or get to your dreams if you are 6 feet under or lying in a hospital bed.

Someone once told me that "to accomplish things in life, you need to work hard for it"

You can't work hard at chasing your dreams if you have your thoughts and mind preoccupied somewhere else.

Oh and don't say "Oh i have no dreams cause nothing will work out for me"

Everybody has a dream or even had one anyway.

When you were little did you want to be a princess/prince or a singer/dancer?

I know when i was little i'd see the other little girls in my class saying how much they wanted to be a princess.

Me? Well i wasn't like that at all!

I wanted to be the hero, the knight in shining armor you could say. I wanted to help people and also save them.

That's a reason why i'm writing this, to tell all of you not to kill yourself or self harm yourself because there is a better way of taking away pain, releasing your anger and dealing with your problems.

Now if you have a really low self-esteem you should build it up and keep building it up.

Hang out with happy/supportive people, maybe stop looking in the mirror if all you see is an ugly person, smile, laugh and have fun.

Don't be depressed and sad because that isn't healthy.

So next time you want to overdose on pills or self harm yourself in anyway Stop, Talk, Listen and Think.

Because as the stupid saying goes > You Only Live Once.

And Once is enough to end your life.

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." - Anonymous

EscapadesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora