That's how Life is

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Life is full of so many obstacles.
It's hard to overcome and achieve.
It's shit but that's just it.
That's just life for you.
You can complain
You can cry
You can hate yourself
You can hate everyone
You can get angry with the person beside you
But in the end
no matter what
Shit just keeps coming
It can go from better to worse in an instant click of your fingers
Isn't it strange how you somehow can control another person's mood of the day?
And how they can control your mood too
Why do people have control over others?
They have that power that can't be removed
because it's a part of society.
It's what our generation lives in today.
It's called life and even though a majority of time we hate it
We have to live with it
And when we've learned to live with it, that's when we will learn how to love it

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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