Chapter 13

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It didn't go to bad.

Claire and Drew talked with G nonstop, like they were testing them making sure he was worthy of you or something. He didn't let them bug him to much though. He played along, answered all their questions and played it cool, though.

You might have lost it when you put his arm around you and flirted like you were water and he was a thirsty monster... though in certain terms he was.

They found it cute and gushed over it. Though your face was a bright red and you hid away in his jacket fluff.

By the end of the hang out, it was dark, the cafe was empty and you all got kindly kicked out, G and you wished your friends a good night and headed home.

After that they kept tabs on you two. Sometimes you'd be out on a date and they would be following you, or randomly show up at the same place you had a date. They didn't stay to long, just long enough to see how you're doing.

It was the last week of Andys' trip. He would be home on Saturday.

You were not looking forward to it.

You knew you end up getting a divorce, you had fallen for the skeleton.

It wasn't the divorce itself, it was what you knew was going to happen, you were going to be yelled at, beaten, maybe to near death.

But you knew it.

You hadn't forgotten it, it was always in the back of your mind.

But now was sadly not the time.

Now you had to focus on the skeleton between your legs, not the way he wants you are sure. You were in his back yard, propped up against a nice beach chair, he was laying on the rest of it on his ribs, arms around your sides, cupping the small of your back and his head pressed into your stomach as he snored away. Your hands rubbed at his skull as he slept, you watched the much bigger Koi playing with a toy tossing it about, he wasn't to big, still not full grown, but he had a nice size to him, he almost came to your knee now, almost.

He trotted about tossing the toy and chewing it, you smiled at that.

You hear a whine and look down to see the monster stir awake blinking his sockets a bit before nuzzling back into your plush stomach, tightening his arms around you.

"Sleep well?" You ask softly so your voice doesn't startle him, he nods with a hum and cuddles deeper into you.

"Good. It is getting late, we should go in." You look over to see Koi had flopped down and was licking his paws then the toy.

G nods again but makes no move to get up, he mumbles something into your belly you couldn't make out "What was that dear?"

"M'said I'd rather be in you." He yawns out, you felt your cheeks heat up then you gently smack him upside the head.

"G!" You squeak out as he chuckles. "Aww ya know how ta scream my name already and I haven'don nothin."He looks up at you with a smirk.

"Ok Off!" You shift and try to shove him off you but he just grabs at you more with a whine "Awww baby nu! Yer so comfy!"

You let out a grumble to which he whines once more.

"Baby no I'behave!" He hugs you tighter "... even though it's fuckin hard! So soft!" He complains.

"Unlike you I hope." You sigh and leave the monster be, he lets out a husky chuckle and snuggles against your plush body once more.

"I have no idea why Andy would treat this wrong...." He mumbles, you feel him rub down your sides to your hips and nuzzle his head into you stomach with sort of a purr like sound.

You frown when he mentions your husband. You hadn't talked about Andy since you started the affair. It was all surreal to you, when you had married him, you were deeply in love... but after the marriage things just, crumbled. He started working, then it slowly stressed him out and he started drinking a bit, normally brought home the boxes of booze then he started just staying at bars.

It slowly turned into him stumbling home drunk about 2 years into it, you tried telling hi maybe he should find another job, one less stressful, he bitched that you should get one. You hadn't had one since the wedding, he didn't want you to, then when you started looking he bitched about you looking like what he said he never said at all.

In the end you just suffered through him coming home so drunk he could barely make it to the bedroom for you to dress him for bed.

Then it grew violent.

The first hit you never saw coming.

He had come home both drunk and pissed about work, which was odd, normally it was just drunk and in a bit of a huff, he called your name, you had been laying on the couch half asleep from waiting up for him. Walking over to him he pulled you to him for a kiss but you refused.

He got mad about your refusal and when you went to explain you didn't like the smell of his mouth and didn't want to kiss.


You were on the ground quick after that, in pain, cradling your cheek registering what had happened.

Staring up at your husband in shock as tears weld up in your eyes from the sting of your cheek.

He didn't even acknowledge what he did, just stumbled up the stairs on his own, tripping a few times as yous sobbed to yourself, trying to figure out what you did wrong.

Trying to figure out how to fix your mistake.

But G wasn't like that.

He treated you like a human, and actually person with feelings and did what he could to make sure he didn't hurt you.

He;s made up for what he said the day you met him, though he doesn't think that. You pet his skull softly not realizing he is looking at you trying to figure out what is on your mind.

You sigh once more and frown at the memories.

Why is it now that your head picks to ask why you put up with Andy for so long?

Cause you knew no one would want you.

Shaking your head once more G snapped his fingers catching your attention, he gives you a worried look before moving away from you, you stop yourself from trying to pull him back.

"You ok doll? Seem'ta be starin off there a sec." He moves and sits next to you instead.

"I was...." You voice trails off a moment "..thinking of Andy." Confess.

"Shit, thinkin of another man, what ta do to distract ya?" He chuckles and throws his arm around your shoulder. He doesn't ask why, he doesn't even seem made about you thinking about your husband. He just tilts your head up and kisses you softly, you melt into it. Finally happy with a kiss.

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