Chapter 21

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The scent of sex was everywhere.

The soft sniffles of someone crying., slight chain rattles, a bed even creaking.

The room was so dark, not that it mattered, she was blindfolded anyway, couldn't see even if the room was lit.

She had been here to long. At least a month if not more. Her form was weak, maybe not skinny to the bone but she knows she had lost weight. She felt frail, cold from the lack of clothes or blankets.

A dirty old mattress lay below her, very uncomfortable and the chains on her wrists and ankles made it even harder to get comfortable when she does try to sleep.

She hears his footsteps above her in the kitchen, making something to eat no doubt, it feels like dinner time, he had mad a routine, he leaves her for the same amount of hours before coming back with food, or for a fuck. She hasn't bathed since she had gotten here, and she doubts he would allow it. She whimpers moving her arms, the bruises getting dug at worse with the chains.

If she didn't get out of her soon she would most likely die, no. That would be to extreme, he wants to keep her here for as long as he can, then when he grows bored, he'll get rid of her. Either way she wants out, she wants to be back in the arms of her skeleton soulmate.

As the footsteps head to the basement door she stiffens, today will be the same as all the others, She knows it.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Meeting Gs' adopted family was pretty nice. Toriel was like another mother to you. You help Chara cut tomatoes for BLTs while Frisk cleaned the lettuce. G sat at the table talking to you all while you worked, go figure lazy ass.

2 more monsters showed up just before dinner. A blue fish named Undyne and a lizard named Alphys. Both ended up geeking out over your Servamp necklace you had on. They had just started watching the anime and loved loved loved it!

You ended up talking about anime till dinner was done.

The table was all set, sandwiches made and chips laid out. You all talked about simple things as you all ate happily. You got asked questions but other than that it was very nice and simple.

Once dinner was done you helped Toriel clean up as the others went to the living room to chill. Gs' brother Papyrus had showed up, you instantly notice G tense up at that. You frown and grab some of the caramel pudding you and Toriel had made and brought it to him, sitting on his lap like no one was watching and feed him a spoonful.

"Is it good?" You asked softly, he nodded, placing a hand on your hip, the other on your thigh. "Y-yeah. It's really good, Treasure." He fought the blush.

You beam with a smile. "I am so happy! I thought I burned the caramel that went on top it, glad it is tasty." He chuckles at the fact it made you happy and held you to him as you shared the pudding.

The others ignored your coupling and watched a movie a while, you got to know Paps a bit, he wasn't bad, kinda shy, but you got into a conversation of books and it took G having to leave and taking you with him to get Pap to hush. You laughed at that, get him onto a topic he liked and it takes heaven and earth to shut him up. It was a cute. You gave him your phone number and kept talking over text. G walked you both to the car, but he opened the back shoving you in, careful of your head, you squeaked falling to your back, hair sprawled out like a halo of hair, your phone had been dropped to the floorboards as your skirt had risen up your thighs a bit, you looked up at G shocked as he crawled in after you, using his magic to close the door behind him.

"W-What are you doing?" You blush as he gets between your leg, a hungry look in his sockets.

"Nothing." His tone was a bit darker than normal, he pressed his teeth to your lips with a low growl.

He pulled your hips up a bit more, to sit more comfortably in his lap as he deepened the kiss. Grinding into you harshly already fully hard, he moves down your neck, nipping and sucking hickeys along the way as he tugs the straps of your tank top down your arms, moving it down your body and taking your skirt and panties with it down your legs and tosses them to the front seat.

You arch against him with soft whimpers and mews as he grinds against you.

"G-G wh-what's wrong?" You mewl out when his hand goes to your heat and cups it suddenly, the cold feeling of bone on such a warm area sent shivers up your spine.

"Just can't help myself." He growls out and bites just above your heart, pulling the flesh a bit leaving a nice sized hickey.

This wasn't like him, but to hell would you stop him.



You ended up sleeping in the back seat after that, with his jacket over you like a blanket as he drove you both home, carrying you in and cleaning you off before putting you both to bed.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

You were in the garden in the back watering your flowers, minding your own, G had left to go see Chara over some vacation thing giving you some alone time, you hummed softly to yourself, so into your own world you hadn't heard the fence gate open, or the soft footsteps walk up behind you, just as you went to set the water can down someone put a cloth to your face, you let out a gasp and tried to jerk away, but ended up inhaling what you assume is chloroform just before blacking out in the persons arms.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Here you were now. In a must basement on a disgusting, soiled bed, no clothes or blankets to keep you warm. Bruised and cut up, sore everywhere, you swear you have been here a month.

You should have moved faster. But housing was hard to come by anywhere, and if you moved to the city, you would have to make even more plans, higher a moving company for a few hours drive. It was more money then you or G had saved at the moment, you should have stayed inside!

Andy couldn't have gotten you that way. Koi had gone into training to be an attack dog you say the word and he attacks anyone you tell him to. So had he broke in, Koi would protect you if the skeleton wasn't around. You destroyed your mental stare more as you cursed yourself.

It wasn't a good idea, but it kept you from thinking of your situation. He had broken your ankle when you yelled at him, that was the least of the pain though.

Broken bones, deep cuts, he did it, he would think outside the box too, you had burn marks from various things when he got to bored with the simple things. You didn't even flinch when he touched you anymore.

Only down size was the dopamine pills you took, you were able to get off when he forced his way with you, and you hated it.

Nothing you said mattered, so you stopped talking again.

What he brought you, you ate, it was never much, just enough to put something in your stomach so you don't die from undernourishment.

Don't spit on his face either, that got you a deep cut down the stomach, watching your blood run down your body before he stitched your up and bandaged you.

Your throat was so numb from the screaming you couldn't even actually form a voice. It wouldn't come out.

Sometimes you would be left alone enough to think of how to get out of here, but another ever worked, the windows were nailed and borded heavily, the door always locked, all you had down here was the chains holding you here, and the mattress, literally nothing else. No light, no magazines, Andy did his best to make sure you couldn't get out, or craft anything, he always took what he brought, and he didn't even bring utensils, he had to use his hands to feed you, or tip the bowl up to your lips for soup.

You prayed to whatever God may exist that someone finds you, or that there is an opening to get out!

You missed your home, your dog Your soulmate. Your eyes would hurt from crying, and was even to the point you couldn't cry, eyes dry from any tears you may have had.

You hope G was working on a way to get you out. You wanted to see him one last time before you died. 

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