Please help me find my mom

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The Director,
Intergalactic Bureau of Investigation


        You are my last resort, so I beg you to read this. My name is Susie and I am ten years old. I am a resident of planet H'trae that orbits the star, Nus. 

        My mom and I live in a peaceful aquatic community in the oceanic plateau. I never knew my father and my mom is everything to me. She is the most caring, loving and beautiful person I know. She plays with me, feeds me, reads to me and takes care of me all the time. She takes me places and teaches me everything. Last month, she helped me decorate my room with white shells and blue glass. Even though she hates blue, she did it just for me. She even made a blue bead necklace for me. I like blue because it is the color of my mom's eyes and the water we breathe. We have so much fun together. She is my world and I am hers.

       A week ago, she went to work as usual but never returned home. I have been staying with my grandma since then. I asked everyone I know but nobody is helping me here. I really need to know where she is and when she is coming back.

     The day before she went missing, I threw a tantrum to finish my homework. I know I was being a bad girl. But when she gets back, I promise I'll never throw tantrums for anything. I'll do my homework and chores on time, and I'll eat my veggies without complaining. Since green is her favorite color, I have also threaded a green bead necklace for her. I am missing her. All I want is to lie on her lap and have her sing me to sleep. 

     I know you "have to" assist anyone with a valid galactic id. So, here's mine (A4L5T6U7N1V2) and my mom's (A2L5T34R8N4T3). Please help me find my mom.





Susie, g-id: A4L5T6U7N1V2

Dear Susie,
      We checked your mother's g-id and it is our sad duty to inform you that she passed away a week ago. On her way back home that day she was fatally injured in what we call a "litter vortex", which is a deadly combination of a whirlpool and a barrage of plastic and other non-biodegradable debris which your planet's land inhabitants dump in the shallow and plateau regions of the water bodies. Sorry about what happened to your mother. Your grandmother had requested the local authorities to keep the incident confidential. But since your g-id is linked to your mother's g-id, we are legally obliged to share this unfortunate information with you, if you requested.

     No other planet in the universe has the propensity of destroying their own ecosystem except H'trae and its mirror planet, Earth. The only difference is that your species are the land inhabitants on Earth and your land species are their aquatic inhabitants. Words won't help but our deepest condolences.

Intergalactic Bureau of Investigation

Please help me find my momWhere stories live. Discover now