Chapter 1

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It had quiet the whole night, Kai had decided. Jay had been out ever since their 'practice' for the ask. The blue ninja still had not returned, even if it was the next day. 

The fire ninja dismissed it, thinking he had gone and gotten himself lost or something. He would be back soon. Nothing to worry about. Just a little bit of time.

Nya had asked Kai where her boyfriend was, the fire ninja only shrugging and telling her that he hadn't seen him since the day before, talking for a bit.

He technically wasn't lying.


It had been three, maybe four days before Jay returned, walking into the monastery, a smile, yet a look of confusion on his face.

He walked up to Kai, smirking, before whispering "Hot boy," and then walking away.

That was odd.

Red rubbed his face, deciding to ignore whatever shenanigans Jay was up to this time. Hopefully he wasn't drunk. That would be a problem to deal with. They were all underage. How he would have gotten it was beyond him.

Then he heard Cole yelp in surprise.

One more odd thing to add to the list.


Cole had just been sitting on the couch on his phone when Jay, who had been gone for a few days, mind you, came and draped himself over the master of earth, laughing.

"What's wrong with you?" Cole asked, continuing to look at his phone, as the other was on top of his head. 

He didn't expect Jay to kiss his cheek. He didn't mean to yell.

"Cole, Are you al-" Zane popped into the room. "Jay? Where have you been? And what are you doing?" 

Black pushed Blue off, before standing up and going over to White. "He kissed my cheek." Cole whispered, his face flushed.

"You get so flustered over that?" Zane laughed, looking at him.

"It wasn't just that! He surprised me, and he's dating Nya! And- I'm dating you, if you forgot again..."

"I did not forget. I just found it funny."

Cole groaned, looking back at the blue ninja draped across the couch. "Do you think he is alright?"

"I do not know. The best we can do is wait and see."

"What's happening in here?" Kai had looked in. "If you're talking 'bout Jay, he called he 'Hot Boy.'" Red left the room, Zane beginning to laugh.


Lloyd hummed, reading through a comic book he had stashed away. His room was filled with the noise from his speaker, some classical song playing. 

"What'cha doin?"

Lloyd spun around to see Jay, his curious eyes watching the green ninja. 

"How did you get in here?"

He was met with nothing from the other one, just a blank stare.

"Okay then. I was just reading this comic..."


Nya pushed some hair out of her face, having been unable to find a ponytail holder at the time. She checked the blueprint once more before grabbing a screw and then reaching for the-


Where was the screwdriver?

She looked to the side to see it had vanished. 

Where could it have gone?

She looked to the other side, surprised at what she saw.

There was Jay, holding it by the metal part. Not the handle. "You looking for this?" He handed it over. "What is it for again?"


"Wu, Jay's been acting weird."



sorry if this feels too odd.

tho i got a chap done lololol


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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