My Turn 19

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Serena said "I just thought of something." What?" "The people in red suits might be Team Flare. What did that look like?" "Red haired people, smart but creepy in a way." "That's Team Flare!! Why would they do that to Pokemon?" "I don't know."

"You guys come here I found Santalune City!"

Lindsey and I at the same time say "Let's Go!" As we start running to the city. Bonnie said "Clemont you can finally found love!!" "BONNIE!!!! why do you do this..." I hear Clemont mumble. I say "I need to find the yummiest treats!" Serena said "Hats here I come!!" Brooke says "let's go" as she marches like a general at the navy. Now we're walking to the city.

Emma, Lindsey, and Brooke (A Pokemon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now