My Turn 47

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Emma POV
"Lindsey... Don't you see. When we got captured didn't you see those worried looks on their faces? Do you think Bonnie would be evil? How about Clemont? He worrys for you. They all do. Please don't be sad anymore. Try to be happy." I give her some of my quarters. "Play some arcade games. It helps." I said as I walk off. I started to cry but I didn't want her to know. She is like my other sister. I went to the game Speed of Light.

Lindsey POV
I took the quarters and thought of what Emma said. She is like my older sister. Her and Brooke are the only ones I can trust. I played the game Suger Rush which looked really fun.

Emma POV
She probably just needs time by herself. That's how I was when my parants died. I turned around. Team Flare! I got punched and blacked out. I tried to scream for Lindsey but nothing came out. I fainted.

Emma, Lindsey, and Brooke (A Pokemon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now