Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

            We all made our way out of the bus and huddled in the dark parking garage, our footsteps echoing off the walls that sloped up to the next level. It was a wonder how the huge bus fit under the low grey ceiling, but we had managed to get by with minimal scraping on the roof.

“All right team, listen up. Here’s the plan for today!” Our manager Peggy, from Modest Management, called out in her crisp London accent. She was a very efficient women, a hard worker, and very strict. If we had a tight schedule, she would plan down to the second. Her fierce green eyes could be seen beyond the glare of her square dark glasses.

“Were going to check into the hotel which is right across from the hospital, then we will have about a two hour break to get settled there while the crew sets up in the courtyard for you opening concert. Nothing to big, just something to promote the hospital and surprise Miss Peak.”

As she spoke I sipped my favorite tea from a large travel mug that read: ‘Coffee’ down the side. I thought it was hilariously ironic, but no one else seemed to get the joke. Liam raised his eyes brows at me as I finished practically chugging it. I smirked a made a satisfied “ah” noise that you do after a good drink.

“Liam, Louis, are you listening?” Peggy asked, one eyebrow raised in question.

“Yeah, sorry. Louis just really enjoying some coffee over there. It’s quite amusing.” Liam said rolling his eyes.

“It’s actually tea Liam, come on.” I said pointing to the mug sarcastically.

Peggy just shook her head and continued to talk about the rest of the day. I pulled on a sweater that had Pittsburgh printed across the front, as the day went on the weather chilled, like it had forgotten that summer was coming soon. Once we had our plan, our big crew began to walk over to the hospital.

            As we walked past hospital to the hotel I had that awful feeling when the need to pee suddenly just hits you, and you feel like if you don’t go, your bladder might just explode.

I ran a bit awkwardly up to Peggy and said with a strained voice, “Hey, um listen. I really need to go to the bathroom. Like, now.”

Peggy sighed exasperatedly and replied shortly, “Just run into the hospital real quick and meet us at the hotel. And make it quick, were going to rehearse a bit there as well.”

Nodding I ran over to Niall and handed him my bag, well more like threw it at him.

“Thanks lad.” I said as his glanced up in surprise and caught it.

“What am I a pack mule?” I heard him say as I walked through the automatic doors to the lobby of the hospital.

             The place had that overly clean smell, like they washed it too much and it was so sanitary, you only had to wonder why they cleaned it so much. Which in turn, made it seem even less clean. There was no one at the small receptionist desk, so I just shrugged and made my way in. There were a few people there, someone over at the small pharmacy getting a prescription, and a girl with her feet, which wore a pair of high top converse, with who I guessed to be her parents who were reading magazines in some waiting chairs. I walked past them to where I saw a door that had RESTROOMS printed on the front. I quickly open the door and ran to the single men’s bathroom, only to find an ‘Out of order’ sign taped to the front. I moaned in frustration and walked back out to the lobby again seriously starting to panic.

            Then I heard a little chuckle laugh come from the direction of the family who seemed to be waiting for something. I looked over and saw the girl in between her parents look to the bathroom, and then to me and raised her short eyebrows as if to say, ‘having trouble?’

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