Hetalia: End of the World

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It was the last of the World Wars-so far from the first two in history-and finally, there was to be peace. A permanent truce, cease fire, to erase all conflict and ill wishes. With it, the world would unite and breathe easy, for the first and only time since its creation. Finally, there would be no more blood spilt, no more wars started, no more threats made. Everyone-every last person in the world, from China to America to Great Britain-would be happy and safe and free.

And yet the only "people" who were actually preparing this were the few personifications of the countries in question-the ones about to be dissolved forevermore, for the better sake of all their peoples, and those that were to come in the lightened future. The world was going to unite itself, and there would never again be borders separating humans, the brothers of mankind; all that had to happen was the death of the nation-people.

They were in the wreckage of what was America only hours before, until they had signed the Final Treaty, signing away their very selves. Now, it was merely another part of The World, and the people only identified themselves as Earthlings, no nation-strings attached to anyone. Calmly, they stood in a circle after the Peace Conference, awaiting their disappearances from the ground they first materialized on so long ago in history, which they were now to so fittingly leave from just the same. Old grudges were long dropped under the heavy hearts from years of horrific fights and betrayals, and those who had been declared enemies could be seen hugging each other tightly with tears slipping silently from their eyes.

None of the ex-nations cared any longer for the historic violences that had always existed, and Israel could be seen hugging all of his Middle Eastern older brothers in final goodbyes as an equal, not a pesky twerp to conquer and subdue. The brothers instead were murmuring apologies, and dragging any passing countries into the affair, though it was at last not one of war, but love between the members of the family and all their friends. Who cared for oil money, or powerful allies, or lands that were fiercely fought over in debate for religious grounds? Their people could all at last be in Peace-just, without them.

Russia could be seen with his sisters, and the chains and scars from years finally had fallen. They did not need to constrict or corner each other into love: it had always been freely given. Russia finally saw that he did not have to force either of them to live with him and be a part of him in order to receive their love; he merely had to offer it in return, and give them that-with a little faith-from a distance.

Then the three Baltic brothers  would be observed-no longer uneasy-approaching the Russian and his sisters, just for the once-great country-now a land only part of everywhere else-to cast himself at their feet and mercy, to cry for forgiveness and beg for understanding; all was easily given, and the hugs exchanged could repair any damaged soul suppressed there. The forgiveness of Prussia and Poland was swiftly given as well, and the group extended their teary-eyed putting-the-past-behind-us hug to anyone who wished to join in, including the Cold War partner America and the damaged former-empire England, after the pair had so emotionally put the Revolution between them, behind them.

Germany was noticed walking around with his heart choking him, haunted eyes from horrific deeds done in the second world war-so long ago, now-begging all those he had wronged then to allow him to repent once more at the end now. And without exception, Poland, Austria, Hungary, France, Belgium-all he had touched under an evil power came forth with nothing but empathy and understanding and longing for a clean end between everyone, as the blonde man-typically so strict and uptight-broke down and wept into the arms of whoever was kindly and patiently reassuring him at the time.

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