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She just wants to be free

She feels like she's carrying the weight of the world on her head

They won't let her be

She just wants to go to bed

Once the last light goes out

She will be gone too

She will be out and about

Since no one believes anything she says is true

No one listens even when she shouts

So why not just leave?

No one even hears her breathe

There's nothing left for her to believe

Nothing to believe there's good in this world

She wishes she were not on this place called home

That she wants to be in her own dreamworld

But why can't she escape?

She's not sure why they won't let her

Does she have a different fate?

Does she really serve a purpose for this place?

A purpose that no one else can relate?

That's just something for her to find out and face.

because she was beautifulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora