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What she is thankful for is quite confusing

But what others are thankful for confuse her even more

She feels like she's constantly choosing

They say they are thankful to know her but she's not sure what for

She always feels like she's playing against life and she's losing

She was convinced that they hated her

She's glad she has family

Even though they never listen

There's no where else she'd rather be

Her youngest sibling is just ten

But it seems like she's the only one able to see

Her elder sister is far from happy, she's broken

Her fake smiles and faces can only fool so many

When her youngest sister decides to stop caring, what will happen then?

She's grateful to be surrounded by people who love her

Even though they don't necessarily do, that's just what they think

She's still grateful that there's people that might care

It's supposed to be "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Where all the truths of gratitude are unfolding

It's a time for joy, family, and loving

There's no room for dying

She might just do it another day so today she will stop trying

There's things she's not fulfilling

She's always lying

So no one knows how she really feels even though they're always prying

Happy Thanksgiving

For today is a day for living.

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