Chapter 31: Stories

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The day went on, boys were in the river and swimming freely as fishes while the sun went down and the air grew colder. Dinner was ready and the boys dried off to eat, Eliza was sitting under the blankets in Spot's bed, she was sketching with a lantern hanging from the ceiling. "There you are," Spot said from the doorway, "I got you's food." He walked over to her and placed a small loaf of bread by her and sat on the bed.

"What's you drawing there, minkin?" he played with her hair, "Is- is that me?" he was shocked. Eli nodded and smiled at him, he leaned down and kissed her lips gently, "Songbird, it's beautiful, you's a real artist!"

"Spot," Eli rubbed her nose against his, "When's your birthday again?" She glanced into his blue eyes and sighed happily as he twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. 

"September 3rd," he replied, "Why?"

"Just wondering."

"You's always wondering, songbird." Spot chuckled and cuddled up to her happily. He never thought he would find his happiness in one person, he never thought that this twig of a boy would be so strong in body and mind. He never thought that he would fall in love. The songbird had sung its song over and over and Spot was the hopeless listener, his heart was stolen. Eli closed her sketchbook and took a bite of the bread that Spot had brought her, she felt like she could be herself around him. 

"Hey," Spot was laying on his side as he faced Eliza, "Since when did you change outta your boy clothes?" he noticed that Eli was in her night gown.

"Before you came up here," she giggled, "I am under some blankets after all..."

"Oh." his eyes grew heavy as he lay underneath the light of the lantern besides Eliza, she smelled like lavender and lemons and it was soothing. She hummed softly as she stroked his hair, the mighty king of Brooklyn had been tamed by someone so small and weak. Spot fell asleep minutes later, Eliza looked down and smiled softly, "Good night," she kissed his forehead warmly, "Beautiful boy." she pulled the covers over both of their bodies and snuffed out the lantern. The two slept peacefully that night.


Spot woke up to find himself alone in his bed, the space where Eliza slept besides him was still warm; she couldn't have been up for too long. Spot sat up and glanced around only to find her nightgown hanging on his dresser, "Songbird," he sighed happily as he ran a hand through his blond hair, "You never change, do ya?" there was laughter from outside. Spot poked his head out the window to see Eli with a bunch of younger newsies, he couldn't help but smile as he watched them take Eliza by the hand and drag her around happily. "Eliza!" one small boy cried, "Eliza, my kite got stuck in the tree!" he had tears running down his face while he pointed to a tree.

"Oh no," Eliza pouted, she knelt besides the boy, "Don't worry, I'll get it back." and with that she darted towards the tree and jumped onto a branch and began to climb like a squirrel, this made Spot chuckle softly. Eli finally gripped the kite gently and hopped down the tree, the younger boys cheered happily; Spot decided to wash up and make his way down there to spend time with his songbird. 

Eli sat down on their crate and pulled out their book, Lucky the cat sat in there lap while the scanned the pages with information hungry eyes but her thoughts were interrupted by a tug on her sleeve. It was another younger newsie, "Yes?" she tilted her head gently.

"Tell us a story, Eli!" the small child beamed, "Tell us a story!" the others chimed in happily with their pleading eyes. 

"How about later?" Eli replied, the children began to whine and pout, "Okay, okay, I'll tell you a story." with that the small children huddled around the crate where Eli sat and they listened intently. 

"This story is about a boy who people saw as a monster, but there was always someone there for him who loved him with all her heart." The boys were leaning forward as if they would miss something important. 

Hold on to your loved ones, tell them how much they mean to you for this story will make you think twice before you leave.
Once there lived a strong and handsome prince, he was rude and unkind. He only cared for himself and he was a stubborn mule. One stormy night a poor old lady knocked on the doors of his castle in the search for shelter, the only thing she had with her was a single red rose. The prince laughed and turned her away for she was ugly, but before she left the old lady told the prince to not judge beauty by looks and she burst into light to reveal that she was a beautiful sorcerous. 
The prince began to grovel on the ground and beg for forgiveness, but it was too late, the sorcerous had turned him into a hideous beast as punishment and gave him the rose. And on his 21st birthday if he did not find true love, the rose would die and he would remain a beast forever.

"That's a pretty story, songbird." Spot's voice chimed in, the little newsies turned their attention from Eli to him, their eyes widened and they quickly stood up.

"Mr. Conlon!" they said in unison, "We-we's sorry!"

"What for?" Spot grinned, "You's just enjoying a story, is all. What's wrong with that?"

"Good morning, Spotty." Eli smiled, "I hope you slept well."

"Oh I did." Spot smirked, "You's gonna continue the story or what?" he cocked a brow which made Eli shake her head and smile.

A year later, the castle now invaded by vines and overgrown vegetation, a kind young woman stumbled across the castle in search of her missing father, the beast saw her and was angered that he could not be left in peace. He screamed at her, yet she kept her kindness and her cool, "I want my father back," the woman told the beast, "Please, take me and let him go free." The beast obeyed the girl's wish and freed her father but threw her into a dungeon.  
The beast thought to himself that maybe this girl might be the one to break the spell, he allowed her out of the dungeon but she had to stay locked up in a room as his 'guest'. The beast tried to talk to her but his rudeness only frightened her, seeing this hurt him inside. The beast tried a more gentle approach and the girl warmed up to him, the two became close and the beast developed feelings for her. 
The beast had noticed the sadness in the girl's face, "What's wrong?" he asked her.
"I miss my home." she replied. The beast didn't want to see her sad but he didn't want her to leave. He made the decision to let her go, knowing that doing this would kill him. She left as fast as she could but came back for she missed him. 
When the clock struck midnight, she kissed him and the spell was broken and the two lived happily ever after.

"The end." Eliza smiled.

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