ErrorFresh IKEA!!!

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    “F*ck! What the hell is this tiny black thing?!” Error said with complete anger, he has just been trying to sort the tiny pieces for half an hour and almost broke three wood slabs for a shelf. Meanwhile, Fresh was trying to read the directions but could only put together three wood pieces that he’s pretty sure don’t go to the same furniture. The house was a mess, the skeletons never put into consideration that they didn’t know what the heck a skrewdriver was let alone one with the impaled head of a guy named Phillip, they don’t know any Phillips!

    Out of anger Fresh yelled, “Who the heck is Phillip because I’m about two seconds from impaling someone named Allen with a wrench! And I do know an Allen!”

    “WTF! Fresh, come look I think I found that black thingy you were looking for! The top looks like it would fit the top of the screw try it! If not then I’m just gonna make us beanbags and call it good!” Error yelled somewhat happy that he found it somewhat pissed it took him so long to find said thing.

    “Yo, my radical brosef you found it my rad home slice!” Fresh took the thing and pecked Error on the cheek.

~time skip till they’re about finished~

    “Fresh, I only have one piece left, you?” Error said uncharacteristically cheerful mainly hysterical though.

    “Totes rad my rad tastic brosef I just got one gnarly turn thiss way and~ I’m done!” Fresh said elongating his words while putting the last screw in place.

The end achievement was far from what the box said but they didn’t care they’ll just get Blue to do it later, but now, Now let’s go find Allen and Phillip,” Error said picking up a screwdriver and wrench, giving the wrench to Fresh they left to go kill the two unfortunate souls named Allen and Philip

( XD okay here you go @penjamin24seven365

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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