Chapter 1

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Jah'Maria sat back in her seat, silently watching the near naked woman in her lap grind to the beat of the club's music. The young woman, known as Coco, had always been one of Mari's favorites. She knew what she was doing and did her job, along other things, quite well. But for some reason, Mari just wasn't feeling it tonight. She was as limp as limp could be in her fitted dress pants and she couldn't understand why.

Mari sighed and took the rest of the neat liquor in her glass to the head, not that it would do much. Her week had been up and down. Nothing but mood swings and confusion. She couldn't even get hard for a woman she had been having sex with for quite some time now. Not that the two were a couple. Mari had many others, and she loved sex. She just hadn't been interested in the activity as of late and it was stressing her out.

She sat her glass down and grabbed hold of Coco's hips to stop her from moving. The young woman was excited when she felt Mari's breath on her neck, but was shocked to hear the words "not tonight", followed by two light taps on her outer thigh. Coco huffed and left the section, over to the bar where she sweet talked her way into a free drink.

The crowd sang and danced along as the DJ mixed and mashed the songs on her playlist. She danced with the crowd, grabbing the microphone and engaging with the audience every now and then. Mari didn't think she had ever seen someone who seemed to love what they did more than tonight's DJ. She couldn't really remember the girl's first name, but she knew that the girl preferred to be called Max.

'I like her.' Mari thought. 'She can stay.'

This was just the girl's test run for Mari's club, and she was way better than the two previous sets in Mari's opinion. Max was definitely getting the job.

The next song began to play, and while bobbing her head to the beat as she searched the crowd, Mari noticed something. Looking toward the entrance, she saw someone walk in. Someone she felt she knew. Or, at least, had seen before. It couldn't be who she thought it was. There were billions of people in this world. Billions of people that could've been mistaken for the person she thought she was seeing.

Jah'Maria rose from her seat, starring over the balcony to get a better look. She had to be sure. As far as she knew, her father sent death after her person and had them locked away where even she could never find them.

This person was facing the opposite direction, toward the bar, frustrating Mari even more. She sat and stared for what felt like hours until the person turned around and looked up in her direction. Mari's body grew hot and it felt as if a shock wave of electricity slithered itself through her veins.

What was she to do? All of these years that had gone by. All of the time she had thought that the love of her life had been locked away, never to see the light of day again.

The woman's bronzed skin seemed to shine when the strobe-lights hit it perfectly. Her honey brown eyes pierced into Mari's, as if asking why she had been staring, but Mari didn't care. She continued to look. To study the beautiful being and her body.

The woman began to squirm under Jah'Maria's gaze. She knew that someone was there. She could see the outline of their body facing her direction on the poorly lit balcony, but she couldn't see their face or even make out their gender. The woman sighed and looked down at the floor.

Mari took that as her chance to exit. She stood up straight and backed away from the railing. There was a big part of her that knew exactly who the young woman was, but a small part of her still could not believe it. There was just so many things about this situation that didn't make sense.

'This is low, Father.' she thought as she slid her hand down her face. 'Very low. Even for you.'

If this was what she thought it was, her father had another thing coming.

For the first time this week, she could feel herself grow. The static-like discomfort she felt as the fabric rubbed against her member was just enough make her want to leave. She couldn't be in the same room with her. It had been so long since she had even felt the soft lips of her beautiful lover.

Mari's head went light and her vision blurred.
"What exactly is your reason behind this, you batty old man?" she cursed her father.

"To hurt me? Make me go home for good?"

Her head thumped. She felt as if her brain was about to explode.
"Because if so, this is the worst idea you've ever had."

She made her way over to the back wall where she waved her right hand. Before her appeared a dark oak. Hand carved cobras lining the trim. She opened the door and stepped through, making sure to lock it and send the door back to it's resting place before ripping her clothes away. Piece by piece, every article of clothing made it's way from Mari's body to the floor.

Jah'Maria loved it this way. She loved to be in the comforts of her own home. One that lie directly in the middle of two realities, hers and ours. She called it Posto Pacifico, or Peaceful Place. Everything was always so quiet and she could do whatever she wanted whenever she pleased. There were no rules or regulations, and, as of over 2 millennia prior, no other beings.

Her home was lodged into a mountain, overlooking the world's beautiful crystal clear waters and bright everlasting flowers. She loved it there. It was a place that her father could no longer reach.

Jah'Maria walked toward the large window near her front door. It was quite dark out. The light shining from inside the home allowing for her reflection to be visible in the glass. Mari tilted her head to the side as she examined her naked figure in the window.

Mari loved her human shell. Watching her father create being after being from scratch taught her a thing or two. She couldn't keep using her father's creations, so she decided to make one of her own. Many years were spent creating the beautiful masterpiece her soul resided inside of, and she couldn't have been any happier with the outcome of her hard work. Her toned five-foot-eleven frame, flawless espresso skin, big, kinky hair, and many more.

Not to mention the two fully functioning genitals that resided between her legs. Though, that just turned out to be a happy accident.

Now, however, Mari didn't really know how she felt about her art. The world leader found herself twisting and turning in front of the glass, examining every inch of herself.

'What if she doesn't like it?' She thought. 'What if it's not good enough?'

Her hand slid across her body softly as a frown made it's way to her lips.
"What if I'M not good enough?"

Her heart ached at the thought of being rejected by the love of her life. She had just seen her. Felt as if she had gotten her back. The thought of letting the woman slip through her fingertips hurt.

'What if she no longer feels the same? What if she has found another? What if-...'

Jah'Maria stopped, sitting still in her silence before scolding herself for thinking such things. She wouldn't let her thoughts, legitimate or not, stop her from getting back the one she loved the most. One that seemed to understand her better than anyone else ever could.

She pushed all negative thoughts to the back of her head and charged for her bed, climbing into the thick, fluffy, black blanket neatly tucked around her mattress. Merely seconds after her eyes closed, Mari's body fell into a deep sleep. The soul of the misunderstood creature left it's shell, sifting through the veil in hopes of searching her files for her beloved. But to her avail, she came up empty.

Mari refused to give up, though. Of course her father would not allow for her love to have the same name. This task became a bit more of a challenge, but The King had to do a lot more than change her name to stop Jah'Maria.

"Sit tight, my love." She spoke. "I'm coming."

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