My Cave

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I walk outside and it's raining, the droplets pouring down at my feet and ruining my new moccasins. Great I thought, it's not like I have money for new ones. Soon a blue Prius swerves around to pick me up and I hop in.
"Hey, how was the appointment" my mom asks in a happy mood.
"It was fine, nothing out of the ordinary" I say with a grudge.
"Well listen, I got yoga class later tonight so I'm gunna pick us up something to eat for dinner quick and then I gotta run" she says.
"It's fine I got a lot of homework to do anyway"
And by homework I meant binging a season of friends in one night and wishing my life was as awesome as theirs even thought they failed to see it.
Whenever my mom sees me doing something unproductive she gets this disappointed look on her face and starts to lecture me about my future and how I should be getting better grades. Knowing this, I felt the less information she knew about my Netflix binging  habits, the better. The rest of the car ride consisted of her talking about god knows what and me sitting in the passenger seat pretending to listen but instead thinking about how hungry I was and how all I wanted was to curl up in my warm blanket in bed. Sometimes I wish I was a bear and could curl up and hibernate for the winter. There would be no one to bother me and no worries to think about, just me and my cave. Who likes winter anyway? it's too cold and snow isn't even fun after you reach a certain age.
We arrive home finally and I am relived from hearing my mom talk about more of her health tips and how to have a better attitude. Sometimes people just have to relax and my mom is not one you can do that around. As soon as we get home I jump into some comfy clothes and head to the fridge. Remembering my mom was picking something up I grabbed some grapes and tried to eat light even though I know I'll be hungry no matter what I eat.

As soon as my mom leaves for food I run to my room and curl up under my covers where I've wanted to be all day. It's time for my binging session which I will probably have approximately 30 mins before my mom comes back with food. I open up my laptop and click on Netflix as I sink in my soft bed and get comfy under the covers. This is my favorite part of the day where I get to unwind and be myself. I start playing friends and drown myself in the drama of Monica and Rachel.

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