Who Are You? (2)

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Neal's body went cold the moment he heard those words - they broke through him like a dagger slicing through an insect. That's all he was, an insect, meaningless, forgotten. He could see the pity in the man's eyes as any show of happiness quickly disappeared from his face, nothing but disappointment and hurt remained. Even so, the thief forced a smile and looked away as if embarrassed; if he could act innocent in the eyes of the law he could surely act clueless in the eyes of the man he loved. "Sorry, from the back you looked like someone I knew. I guess I was mistaken." He spoke softly trying to avoid any signs of weakness. It was clear the pirate saw right through this but he didn't mention it - who was he to care for a grieving stranger? "It's alright. I'm Captain Hook, or Killian Jones." Killian said as he outstretched his hand towards Neal. Neal stared at it momentarily before taking it. "I'm Neal Cassidy, pleasure to meet you." He said before quickly pulling away. "I should go, sorry again." He spoke before turning and walking away before anymore words could be exchanged, his heart unable to take anymore.

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