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constant buzzing was going off above iris' head. at first she thought she forgot a whole day and had gotten drunk the night before. but no, it was just her phone going off.

through the white curtains hanging above the girls window, a golden light shines through, just enough that the room was lit up to a point where you could see.

yesterday's dress was still on, hair was no longer intact and a knotted around the pillow the girl was laying on, not to mention her makeup was probably all over her face and on the white cotton pillowcase.

iris' manicured hand reached up and searched around above her head to try to find the buzzing object. finally finding it next to her pillow, she clicked the 'snooze' button for the alarm that had been going off. rubbing her eyes, her sight focused onto the screen that held the time and many notifications.

'10:23 am'

with a groan the young floyd got out of bed and made her way into the bathroom. connecting her phone to the black speaker that sat upon her marble countertop, she tapped on a shawn mendes playlist before putting it on shuffle. the sound of the young boys smooth voice played throughout the empty room.

quickly, the white and blue dress was dropped to the ground, along with a pair of underwear.

warm water hit across the tan girls back, earning a calming sigh to admit out of her mouth. over the past few weeks she had been stressed out to the point that she was scared to eat because she didn't want to feel sick again. but thankfully now, almost all of the weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.

reaching for her favorite coconut milk shampoo, iris lathered up her wavy hair, making sure to scrub it to the point where it was foaming so much you couldn't even see her golden locks.

just as she was rinsing her hair out she felt the stress hit her once again, what were the critics gonna think? how hard was she gonna get bashed? iris knew her singing wasn't the best but she knew how tough people were in the music industry. would they breakdown her confidence and make it to the point where she never wanted to sing again? hopefully not!

as her shower continued on, she wrapped a towel around her head and body and walked over to the counter where she would brush her teeth. but that was delayed once she looked into the mirror.

looking at herself, she realized how bad her left over makeup had made her look. the blonde girl looked like she had just done the walk of shame from hell. "dear god!" she muttered before washing her face clean from the nightmare that was just there.

throwing herself into an outfit of an oversized sweatshirt, a pair of leggings and her brown birkenstock's, iris made her way outside grabbing her phone and keys along the way. stepping into her white jeep, the blonde drove down to one of her favorite coffee shops.

as she parked, 'coffee-shack'  appeared closer and closer by the second as she walked up to the front door. whipping it open she walked into the somewhat busy shop.

it was decorated with whites, blacks and greys, making it pleasing as can be to the eye. it wasn't too big or too small, a perfect size for a place in new york. business people and students took up some of the tables while working on their computers, reading books or even just talking to their friends.

iris ordered her everyday drink, which was simply a vanilla iced coffee with a pump of caramel. sitting down at a table, the girl pulled out her gold iphone and looked through all the messages and notifications she had missed while she was asleep.

"excuse me," she heard an unfamiliar voice say, "are you iris?" looking up she saw a boy with sunglasses and a hat on. he looked vaguely familiar but she couldn't put a finger on it.

"yes?" iris asked with a confused look, just as he was about to say something, a barista set a drink down in front of her. "uh, hi i'm ben, we met last night." flashbacks of lsd night came to her mind until she came to a memory of joe introducing her to his cast mates.

a bright smile lit up iris' features, "ah yes! sit down! sorry i didn't recognize you." as he sat down across from her, he pulled off his dark shades which revealed a pair of emerald green eyes. getting shaken out of her trance, the same barista placed a coffee down in front of ben.

"so," ben started with a light smile printed on his features, "come here often?" he joked. the dirty blonde girl laughed lightly before taking a sip of her caramel frappuccino, "i do actually." she stated, looking back at ben, "i live not too far away."

the pair chatted for a little bit while drinking their coffees until the cup was empty. while talking, they giggled quite a bit, slipping in jokes as they started to get to know a bit about each other.

"i was wondering if, you would like to go out with everyone tonight," realizing how forward he was being ben started to panic, "i mean if you want to, i'm sure joe was gonna text you to ask anyways but, i just thought i would beat him to it."

the girl thought about her plans for the day, she hadn't had anything to do since the movie was now premiered. "yeah of course!" she exclaimed happily, she wanted to see joe and also wanted to get to know everyone, "give me your phone."

ben handed his phone over slowly, as if he was not sure if he should let a girl he barely knew on it, but once it was unlocked she snatched it from his hand. iris went into the contacts app, quickly putting her number in before handing him back the phone.


"text me the plan for later." the blonde said standing up and grabbing her phone and almost empty cup before leaving the small building.

hi i'm so sorry i haven't updated in so long. my life has been packed and i'm trying to get on track with everything. but also thank you everyone for 1k reads and 43 votes it means the absolute world to me!!! i'll try to update more soon <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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