The Mice Hanged Itself

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Izuku felt Shoto's tears landing on his own hospital gown. "Todoroki..." Izuku felt confused, was this really Shoto? Why did he finally chose to come here and..and.."I don't understand you at all." Shoto slowly let's go of Izuku. Looking off torwards the side. "I know. Why did I suddenly appear?" Shoto slowly got up from the bed, away from Izuku. "That, I'm unsure. But, please remember this. This moment from now on. No matter what happens." Shoto went back to being cold and distant. Walking over to the door, he looked at Izuku. "I..I wish you luck." Shoto opened the door and steps out. Closing it, leaving Izuku with his own confusing thoughts. What just happened?

Shoto came in, suddenly had an emotional outburst then went back to being cold and distant. He even said some weird things. Izuku sat there on his bed, trying to piece it all back together. Izuku assumed when Shoto said "I wish you luck." It means with his hero work. Izuku was the number one hero at the moment. Maybe that's why. And, when he said "Remember this moment from now on." He probably wanted Izuku to.. ugh. Izuku felt a headache coming up. He placed a finger against his temple as he laid back down. "He's just playing with me. That's all, Izuku." He muttered to himself. The moonlight long gone, replaced with darkness as thunder roared throughout the night.

Izuku fell into a slumber. Dreaming of the old times he had with Shoto. Thanks to the recent thing that occurred between the both. The next day, Izuku woke up. Rubbing his eyes as sunlight slips through the cracks between the curtains here and there. It was sunny, kids could be heard playing outside as laughter soon emerged. Izuku laid there, staring at the ceiling. The birds were chirping. The flowers moved within the wind. Parents taking out their kids to the playground. Dogs barking excitedly as they spot a squirrel. The frantic screaming of the dogs owner. It was peaceful. A peaceful afternoon that is.

Wait. Izuku shot up, as he immediately looks at the alarm clock. 4:54 PM

Izuku lets out a laughter of disbelief. How the hell did he overslept. Slowly getting up, he cracked his knuckles. He stretched a little before walking over to the window. The same window where Shoto stood by. He stared out, he spotted a couple that was taking a stroll. Envious, Izuku turned away. Before something peculiar caught his eyes. He saw a shady man sitting on a bench. He was wearing a black suit. Like he was going to a funeral. Next to him was a leather briefcase. He was sitting far away from everyone else, he was wearing a hat as well. Izuku wondered what he was up to, but he couldn't go check it out since he was still in the hospital.

Shrugging it off as he turns away, taking off his hospital gown. He went  inside the bathroom to wash up. Splashing his face with cold water, he stared at himself as he looks up. The mirror. He took another extra pair of towel that the nurse prepared to cover the mirror. He changed into a new gown. He sat back on his bed as he pressed the nurse button. Shortly afterwards, a pretty blonde haired nurse shows up. "Hello, Izuku Midoriya! It's a pleasure to treat the number one hero." She notices that the room was awfully messy. "Do you want me to call a cleaner?" Izuku shakes his head. "That's not why I called you, but it'll be a pleasure to call someone to clean up my room." The nurse took out a notebook, jotting it down. "Alright! So, what is it?"

Izuku pointed at the bandages. The nurse chuckled at her stupidity. "Woops, sorry about the inconvenience." She headed for the door. "I'll call another nurse that's free!" Izuku gave a thumbs up before leaning against his pillow. Looking out the window, he wonders if his mom was doing well. She hasn't called since Izuku got injured. Before the door slowly opened. Izuku looks over to see a girl that was trembling. Her hair was purplish and uneven. A cart was sitting next to her as she pushes it in. "G-Good Afternoon, Midoriya!" She softly muttered. The bandages that was wrapped around her arm stucked out like a sore thumb. "My name is Mikan! Sorry that you're stuck with me.." Izuku, a bit taken back by her personality. Chuckles to relieve the tension in the room. "Oh, it's not worry!" She was avoiding eye contact as she took a stool, sitting next to Izuku's bed. "I'll make sure to be gentle..Oh, also. Is it okay for me to call your Midoriya instead of your hero name?"

Izuku nodded. "You can call me Midoriya or Deku. Don't worry about it, er Mikan!" Mikan nodded before gently unwrapping the bandages off of Izuku's arms and head. "I-I'm in charge of Pro Heroes, so. I'll be taking care of you and Todoroki." She was skilled as a nurse, no wonder she was taking care of heroes that needs immediate treatment. But what caught his interest was the fact that she was taking care of Shoto. "How is Todoroki? Just wanting to know how my fellow classmates are doing." Izuku chuckled nervously, hoping that Mikan wouldn't catch on.

Instead she nodded as she treated Izuku's wounds. "He's recovering quite fast.. At this rate, he'll be released from the hospital in no time!" Izuku felt happy for Shoto, but the bitter reminder smacks him in the face. The wedding. The party. Izuku went quiet shortly after, which alerted the panicky nurse. "S-Sorry! Did I do something wrong? I promise to treat him even better! Please don't hate me!" Izuku snaps back to reality to see the poor nurse trembling in shame and fear. "Sorry! It's not that, I was just thinking about my uhm, pro hero work! And the mistake I made that led me here! Sorry if I scared you."

The nurse nodded as she slowly wrapped new bandages around Izuku's arms and head. "Sorry for assuming." After the two exchange apologies, the nurse left with her trolley. Izuku sat there on the bed, closing his eyes. He felt like something bad will happen. Or, was Shoto really that rude? Really that cold? Leaving him all of a sudden, kissing her like it wasn't a problem. In front of him. Izuku sighed, laying back down on his bed. He wipes away his tears with his blanket before staring out the window. Was the Shoto he love, was it actually him? All these questions, yet the answers were dwelling. During the whole afternoon.

Izuku decided whether it's best to end it all.

Word count: 1139
«Author's note»
Yes, there was a special cameo appearance in this chapter. If y'all haven't guessed, it was Mikan! If you thought it was my oc, it's not m8. I can't make ocs anyways, if you know who Mikan is without googling it up or something. I love you!1!1!1 Nagito is daddy xd.

For those who doesn't know who  Mikan is, it's fine bois. I still love you!1!!1
Yet another warning, this er fanfic will include a lot of sensitive subject. If you're going through something hard in your life, please know that I love you! And everyone else do! Please go get help or vent to someone.

Take care my chubbi wubbi cuties. Lord what the fuck

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