Your Hospital Bed: Part I

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I looked over at Brendon. He turned his head to look at me and smiled. I leaned over and kissed him, putting my hand on his cheek. He kissed me back quickly and pulled away. He put his hand on my thigh and focused his attention back on the road.

We were on our way to Brendon's parents house for lunch. I looked out of the window, looking at all the snow piled up on the street. I sighed, wishing it was summer.

"I really like summer." I said quietly. "Same here." He said smiling. "I don't really like the cold." He says again before stopping at a red light. "Me neither." I say looking at the light. It turned green and Brendon put his foot on the gas.

I turned on the radio and Ok Go came on. "Oh I like this song." I say, Here It Goes Again pumping through the speakers. "Did you see the music video? It's so cool!" I say excitedly, sounding like a five year old probably. "It's the one with the treadmills right?" He asks looking at me.

I glance out the window and see truck lights blinding me. "Brendon! The light's re-" The words fail to come out of my mouth and I hear the sound of metal on metal and screeching tires. Then darkness.

I get up and look around. There's a crumbled car and a truck with its grill messed up. Wait a minute. That's our car. My feet take off towards it. "Brendon! Are you okay? Where are you?" I scream looking around. Everyone's in there cars, craning to see what happened.

"Brendon!" I scream again. No one even looks at me. I'm running as fast as I can, feeling like I'm just running in place, getting nowhere. I run for what seems like hours before I reach the car. I see Brendon's body curled up on the ground, his arms wrapped around someone else.

I feel a pang in my heart and look to see who it is. Tears are pricking my eyes as I kneel down, the glass crackling underneath my shoes.

It's me.

Brendon looks up, looking right past me, shouting for someone to call 911. I walked over to him, tapping his shoulder. My hand went right through him. I jerked my hand back and tried to make all these thoughts process.

I hear police and ambulance sirens. Brendon starts crying harder, reassuring me that things were going to be okay. "I know." I whisper to myself, knowing he can't hear me.

A medic rushes over, carting a gurney, running fast. He helps Brendon up and picks me up, putting me on the stretcher. Brendon starts sobbing, looking at me with all my injuries.

I can see my arm at a unnatural angle, my face and arm are bleeding, along with my leg, my cheek has a huge gash in it and cuts litter my body, varying in size and deepness.

Brendon puts his hand in my limp hand and gets in the back of the ambulance, with me. I look around at everything happening. I see some people crying, peoples heads turned so they don't have to see it, and other covering their children's eyes.

I close my eyes and when I open them I'm in a hospital room, looking down at myself. I have tubes all over my body, oxygen tubes in my nose, pumping air into my lungs, and IV's in my arms.

I cringe, looking away before I throw up. Brendon's outside the door, his hand on the glass looking inside. He wipes his tears away but those tears are replaced with new ones. I run over to him and pound my hand on the glass.

"Brendon! Look at me! I'm right here!" I scream pounding until my hand hurts. He's looking at me but really he's looking through me. He starts to open the door and I back away.

He rushes over to the hospital bed, bringing a chair up and sitting in it. He grabs my hand carefully, holding it like its a precious butterfly. His eyes scan me, looking at all my bruises and contusions.

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