#2: You Get Hate

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Niall had been at work constantly lately. The boys were writing a new album for 2015, so that meant Niall wasnt going to be home very often.

Today was one of those days. You woke up, ate breakfast, went for a walk with your and Nialls dog at the park, and came home to do absolutely nothing.

When you got back to your flat, you flopped on your couch and got on your phone to look at twitter.

You never really got on twitter because you knew what the downs of it was. There was always going to be hate.

You tweeted.

"Bored. Niall commee hommee :("

You began to get thousands of likes, retweets, and comments. Some of the comments were really nice and uplifting like:

"Awe Y/N, You and Niall are so cute together!"

And some of them were horrible like:

"Y/N youre so ugly! maybe thats why Niall isnt home often!"

"You know Niall really doesnt like you right? I mean look at yourself!"

The horrible tweets began to stick out to you more than the uplifting ones.

You felt your self esteem begin to drop. Maybe they were right. You werent perfect. Definetly not a model. And You werent the skinniest.

What did Niall see in me anyways? He most likely is just using me.

You kept reading and reading until you couldn't take it anymore. You ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

You began to cry and cry for what seemed like hours until you heard your flat door slam shut. It was Niall.

"Y/N!, princess i'm home!"

You ignored him and kept crying. He made his way into your room and heard your quiet sobs.

"Y/N? Baby are you okay?"

But you didn't answer him.

"Y/N?!, What's wrong? Open up."

You continued to ignore him.

"If you dont open up in 30 seconds, I am knocking this door down!"

And so he did.

You looked up at him with surprise. Your eyes were bloodshot red and you had tear stained cheeks. You were a absolute mess.

He knelt down to your level and took you in with his famous Horan hug. You couldnt take it and broke down in his arms.

"Babe, why are you acting this way? Whats wrong?"

You didnt say anything. You just handed him your phone and showed him the nasty comments people wrote to you. Then you began..

"Niall, do you hate me? Or even like me at all? I feel like its hard to believe that you actually like someone like me. I'm not a model. I feel like everyone.. ha-hates me." You choked out the last part.

He put the phone down on the ground and started rubbing comforting circles on your back.

"Y/N.. princess.. where do I even begin. The first day I saw you, I knew from that moment on that I was going to do anything to have you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. You are so full of light and kindness. I have had multiple girlfriends, and none of them have compared to you. You are real. I dont care if you arent a model. You are the prettiest thing I have ever seen. I don't know what I would do without you in my life. You keep me alive. I am so sorry that people do this to you. I will always be here to protect you. Okay baby?"

"o-okay.  Thank you Nialler. I love you so much. I dont know what I would do without you."

"I love you too.'

After sittinng in eachothers arms for a minute, Niall tweeted:

"Guys please stop sending hate to my girlfriend. We are really happy together, and I hate seeing her upset. she means the world to me."

You then put on a movie and cuddled for the rest of the night. Every once in a while Niall would kiss you and  whisper in your ear that he loved you.

Authors Note:

Sorry Guys if that was horrible! Still trying to figure out how to write! I will get better! I promise! xx :)

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