The clique

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... late, running like I was being chased by something down the hallway, carefully trying to spot the mathematics class, I slipped into my seat easily as the mathematics teacher was fixated on the board and I arrived hearing as he concluded :...... and that's how you find the log of the equation.

I looked over to Adams and Lucy, although they couldn't say it out loud, I knew their looks were that of why was I late?.

"So we are going to have a pop quiz " said the mathematics teacher whom I clearly don't know his name.

And a loud groan was heard from the whole class.

A/n that usually happens to me if I ain't prepared and of course that's the whole idea of a pop quiz.

He looked round the classroom, I'm guessing to know the count of the papers to give to each student,

Ugh!! More work at least it ain't homework I lazily thought.

... Lunch break ...

"What happened girl?" Lucy asked from behind as we had just entered the cafeteria. "Slept in late, that's all" I replied.

I took out my lunch that I had brought along, I had wanted to take a seat but I had realized everyone had form a sort of clique down from socials, rich kids, cheerleaders, football players, basketball players, sass queens, gangsters, geeks, nerds you name it, I saw it all here, but I had no social life, then I was patted on the shoulder by Lucy :"Wanna join me at my corner of the table?" she said with a grin realizing my dilemma. "Sure" I said, as if I had a better option than to follow my new found friend.

As I sat down, I realized Lucy's companies or maybe her clique, what? Her twin brother, Adams and a girl whom I've seen only once at the locker distracted as Lucy's twin brother waved, but now I didn't think that smile was still meant for me.

Lucy began her introductions:

• This is Jason, my twin brother and football captain as you already know, a big dork if you ask me but he sure is a Jack of football when on the field.

As she said this, everyone burst out laughing, it was surprising that I was among those laughing but Jason's face twisted into a pout before turning to a smirk.

• This is Adams, my pal, he has a knack for machinery, we sometimes call him a Robotic midias cause most machinery he works on almost instantly respond in a sense.

I looked over to Adams who had an embarrassed face like :"Hey!, you are exaggerating my skills, don't make her think I'm like that "

• And here's my friend from my young age, Amanda, she is also the captain of her cheerleaders team, she has some mad skills in gymnastics.

I looked over to her, she had been looking over at Jason the whole time but tore her gaze away from him probably realizing someone was looking at her at the moment and we looked intently at each other but then I broke up the gaze not wanting to be in a weird situation and turned my attention back at Lucy.

• And this is my new found friend , Katie, little do I know of her but I've seen good character and I like that. I do hope we will get to know each other and also one another well.

All were smiling at me except Amanda but I didn't care about it for now "At Least".

I replied:" It's nice to meet you all".

well almost all of you - clearly I'm feeling uncomfortable with Amanda's presence but of course I couldn't say this out loud now, could I?

After the introduction, I watched the interaction between the four of them, most times they would pull me along into the discussion but I wasn't really feeling the vibe and just concentrated more on my lunch, my stomach needed it.

The day passed by faster than usual with Gym class, Chemistry, Art, maybe because I was in the company of friends, then the bell rang signalling the end of school day and thankfully I survived through the day without any homework, at last I could rest for the weekend without any homework getting in the way. How great was that?

But all that changed when...

A/n when what? Hmmmmmm I wonder
What could possibly change her plans?, who wanted to change her plans?

Till next time

✌ bloom759

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