The Storm

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Hermione's POV
I got straight to of bed that morning. I wasn't joking when I said we had a lot of work to do. Our Christmas break was over. Even though it wasn't literally over. We've known who Nicolas Flamel was for a few days. I couldn't wait any longer to stop Snape from getting that stone. I quickly put on a sweater and leggings and put my hair up in a ponytail.

I ran into the Common Room and screamed for the boys to come down.

"MERLIN GRANGER WHAT HAPPENED?!" Fred asked worried.

"What?" I asked confused. "Oh nothing. Get dressed and ready. We are getting that stone." I said. I guess they thought something happened. Oops.

Immediately we hit the library. I gave everyone a job.

Ron and Harry were to figure out every single thing about this school and the third floor.

Fred and George were to find a way to knock out the Cerberus so we can get through.

My job was to learn everything single detail about the Philosopher's stone.

We were in the library for hours. We had missed Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Harry and Ron had brought everyone up a meal but I hadn't eat yet. I was say to focused. I had finished every single book about the stone but all I knew was that it could be used to create the Elixir of Life and turn any metal into pure gold.

I finished reading. I took out a piece of parchment and a quill with ink. I began writing. Brainstorming to figure out what the hell Professor Snape could possibly want with the stone besides to turn metal into gold. Naturally anyone would assume that's the reason he wanted it, in fact at first that's exactly what I thought. Then I realized it couldn't be. If that was all it could do what I read. I know some people say it could make someone immortal but I didn't think that's what Snape wanted either. He was a potions teacher who wanted the job of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Why would he even need it? Then it hit me. Maybe he didn't want it. Maybe someone else did. Someone else who needed to be powerful again. Someone like an evil wizard trying to take over the world. Someone like Voldemort. "OH MY MERLIN!" I yelled. I raced to the nearest group of people. Fred and George. They were writing on a piece of parchment and I ran over. "PLEASE TELL ME YOU FOUND A WAY IN!" I yelled at them.

"Actually we found three." Fred said.

"We would only like to use two. The third is kind of very dangerous." George said.


"HARRY! RON!" They ran over.

"I think that it might be Voldemort trying to get the stone." I said once everyone was there.

"What?" Ron questioned.

"I could be wrong. I probably am but it's just a thought. I feel like Snape is a little two powerful to need it." I said. "Either way we need to get that stone before Snape does."

"Then what are we still doing here?" Fred asked. It was past curfew now but it didn't matter. Now is when Snape would strike. I took a bite of an apple and we sprinted down the hallway and the stairs to the third floor. We opened the door that led to Fluffy and found him asleep and a harp playing. He beat us here.

I looked worryingly at Harry and he had the same expression. Then it changed. And so did mine.
We weren't leaving here without that stone.

I began to move Fluffy's paw that was covering the trapdoor.

George grabbed my arm and me a look of 'what the hell do you think your doing?'

I glared at him and opened the trapdoor.

"Did it just get really quiet in here?" George whispered after Harry and Ron had went into the trapdoor. I listened. No harp. I just looked at the boys and they got the hint and quickly jumped down. I looked up at the now awake three headed dog and jumped down, the trapdoor slamming behind me.

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