Entry 6: Return to the Castle

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As soon as Akira walked into the cafe, the first thing he saw was Sojiro's face.

He was pissed.

"U-Uh... I-I'm back..." Akira stuttered, his voice cracking with anxiety when he attempted to set things on a more uplifting note.

"Hey, I got an interesting call from your school today," Sojiro growled as he placed a hand to his waist. Akira had no wiggle room, so it seems.

He sighed quietly as he closed the door, Sojiro continuing: "It's only your first day and you're already showing up hours late?"

"I-I'm sorry... It was an accident. I got onto the wrong train and—" he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck, slowly making his way to the stairs of his room.

"I don't want to hear your excuses."

Akira sighed once again, his legs feeling heavier than usual. He was exhausted... And he wasn't feeling too hot, either.

"...Listen, just behave yourself alright? Your life's forfeit if anything happens. You understand the meaning of probation right?"

"Yeah, I—" Akira began, annoyance turning his head to Sojiro. His words were quickly caught off the moment he locked eyes with the grown man, who seemed rather surprised for Akira's starting response. Glancing away, he mumbled a polite "...yessir, I do. It won't happen again."

Sojiro opened his mouth to argue with the annoyed tone Akira had, when his cell suddenly rang. Pulling it out of his pocket, Sojiro turned away from the teenager and answered.

A phone call let him off the hook for a little. 

"Hey, what's up?" Sojiro began. The person on the other side seemed to calm him a bit, prodding a small smile onto his face. Seeing it caused Akira to blink in slight surprise, now wondering who was on the other end. A girlfriend perhaps?

"...Yeah, I just closed up shop. I'll be there in half an hour," Sojiro continued. Noticing that Akira's presence, he shot the boy a cold glare. "Hey, what're you standing around for? Go hurry up to bed."

Akira flinched at the sudden attention and nodded, quickly making his way upstairs.

"Don't forget to lock the door and turn all the lights off, okay?" Sojiro called out just as Akira placed his bag on top of his drawer.

"Yes, sir...!" he called out in reply.

He could hear Sojiro continue talking to whoever was on the other line while tidying up a little, his words muddled by the distance and clattering noise. Shaking his head, Akira decided it was best to get dress and look over his class material to be fully prepared for tomorrow. However, the utter exhaustion in his body at the idea was enough to make him pass out right there. Sleeping while standing even!

If he knew how.

Rustling his curly locks, he pulled out his cell and quickly looked up the school's website, typing into the search bar 'textbooks'. Since he missed basically the entire day at that strange castle, he missed the entrance ceremony and the gatherings of his textbooks. Having to share with others who clearly didn't want to be near him made things way too awkward for his liking. It'd be best to get them tomorrow morning.

Making a little memo and accompanying reminder, he yawned and gently tossed his phone to the bed. Scratching the top of his head, he pulled out his diary journal thing—Jodi? Diarnal? There's gotta be something simpler to call it—and a pencil form his bag, shortly commencing his report.

> > >

Diary Entry 2:

My guardian made me food. It was good. It's surprisingly refreshing to have curry for breakfast. When I return home, I'll make Nanay some curry for breakfast.

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