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❝ — so here's what it feels like
to be lonely.
and though i'm not afraid,
i know i will be okay without you. ❞

Have you been well, Minho?

I've missed you.

It's been 5 months and no response.

I've come to the point where I think you're ignoring me.

I wonder if the mailman ever puts my letters in your mailbox.

Minho, please respond to me.

I just want to know where you are.

How you are.

Why you're gone.

Minho, say something.

I need you.

I want you.

I don't want you to leave your boyfriend for me.

But please just come back.

We could talk.

We could become friends.

Friends and only friends.

I don't want to be something else.

I know your boyfriend will be mad.

I don't want to get beat up again, Minho.

I have too many bruises.

Too many wounds.

Too much love.

For you.

Answer me, Minho.

u n u s u a l

- without you . m i n s u n g ✔Where stories live. Discover now