Sean's fifth year

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A/n: I want to say a special thanks to expecto_patronum934, because she beta'ed this. She also has her own book, 'the open door'. If you haven't read that one, what are you doing here? I promise you that as soon as you read her work, she'll be in your top 10 of favourite writers (actually publishing ones included)



"Please stop pacing like that, Kaycee. It's making me nervous and I'm sure it won't take mrs Black long to notice you too, and Merlin forbid her from screaming again."

Kaycee could only look disturbed at Hermione. Mrs Black was definitely the last thing she was worrying about at the moment, although she silently agreed that her nerves wouldn't exactly subdue if that damned portrait would start screaming again.

She sighed.

"You can't blame me, Mione. They left 2 hours and 13 minutes ago."

They should've been back already.

"Come sit with me Kayc. You know there's no use in walking around as much as you're doing now. If Sean was in danger, Tonks would've sent us a patronus already, you know that, you were there when they made up a plan to get him."

Her sister had always had a way with words, and even at a time like this, Hermione's soothing tone managed to calm her down at least a little bit. She smiled, just slightly, indeed remembering the plan to bring Sean to Grimmauld Place as well. Originally, the order had intended for it to be a private discussion, away from 'the kids', as they liked to call the people in the house who still went to Hogwarts - much to Ginny's dismay. However, Kaycee, who had always been well behaved and polite, had argued with pretty much the whole order until she was finally allowed to sit with them while the plans were made.

She realised it had been pretty much a dead giveaway, she hadn't exactly been secretive about how important Sean - and therefore this mission - was to her, but she couldn't find it within her to care, not then, and not now. She would argue, yell, grumble again - and much more if needed- if it meant knowing what was going to happen to Sean.

Sean. Her Sean, even though it was only something she felt, not something she could say out loud. Yet.
They had sent eachother a lot of letters during the holiday, and both of their letters had been less friendzone-like than before.
A few weeks ago, they had both even dared to flirt just a bit.

Kaycee loved it.

She loved sitting down with a smile on her face, tapping her quill while thinking about what she was going to write. She loved that Eureka-moment when she finally knew what it was going to be, loved the sight of Hermione's owl flying away with it, knowing he'd read those words. Even more, she loved waiting for his reply, daydreaming about what he was going to write, and then finally the butterflies in her stomach while reading his words.

Yes, she loved his letters, and the reason was simple, really.

She loved those letters, because she loved him.

She could still remember the moment she came to that realisation. It had been an incredibly hot evening in late July, and she just hadn't been able to sleep at all. Tired and restless, she'd come out of her bed. She had been just about to start choreographing a new solo piece when she had heard a familiar hoot, and she'd immediately opened her window, excitement already filling her veins at the prospect of reading another letter of Sean.

She had given the owl a few treats before carefully -but impatiently- unwrapping the letter from its leg.

Her eyes had skimmed over his words, trying to read them as fast as possible while also understanding what he was saying, and she had felt her cheeks getting hotter when she read that he 'couldn't wait to see her sparkling eyes again'.

Sean and Kaycee's Hogwarts HighlightsWhere stories live. Discover now