Chapter 2

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Hermione and I talked about the book, and a few others until our period was over, and I genuinely had a good time with her. I could tell she still half resented me, but I was ok with it. I hated myself too.

The rest of the day passed, and luckily I hadn't seen Potter yet. I don't know how I would have reacted if he started bashing at me. So, to avoid him even further, I skipped lunch and went straight to Hagrid's shack, I had some... apologizing to do.

I came up to the small cabin and knocked on the door, holding my breath as I heard loud footsteps against the wood, the door creaked open.

"Oh, Draco. I didn't know you was comin'"

"Neither did I" I answer "Say, can I come in?"

"Uh sure, don' see why not"

I stepped inside his home and went over to Fang, patting his head.

"So, er, why'd ya stop by?"

"I wanted to say sorry"

" 'Scuse me?" he asked, raising a brow

" I've been such a jerk to you all these years, and I'm sorry"

"Er, I don' know what ter' say. Thank ya, I guess"

" I feel awful, I really do," I say, knowing he thinks is just a prank " Can I help with anything?"

"Uh, well, the hippogriffs need their pens cleaned out if yer up ter' it" He laughs, a big booming noise.

"Sure, I have lunch right now, so I have some free time."

We spent the next thirty minutes scooping up dung, it smelled great.

Note my sarcasm guys.

As we finished up, I managed to get the crap all over my pant leg. Just my freaking luck.

"You've got to be kidding me" I moan

"Hey, if yer wan' i can do a spell or somfin', I know one that could do the trick"

"Uh, sure," I say wearily, I really didn't want Hagrid to accidentally vaporize my pants.

"Scorgify!" Hagrid yelled, and miraculously, I wasn't pantless, and even more amazing, there was no more crap on my pants.


"No problem," He says "Now run up and get to yer' class, I don' want ter' be the reason yer' late"

"haha, thanks"

The rest of the day went by okay, I managed to get told off by McGonagall for being late, but luckily I wasn't the only one, Harry and Ron had managed to walk in ten minutes after me, covered in ink. I smiled at the sight both of them. Ron's freckles had looked like they'd been replaced by the black ink, and his hair was practically matching Harry's. They both had given me a few glances when they saw my hair but didn't make any remarks.

At dinner, is when things got a bit interesting, to say the least.

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