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~Kyler pov~

I am Kyler Jones, a simple 17 year old girl with no popularity, no life, and three amazing but pushy best friends. Ashley and Jade Peterson, they are right now trying to convince me to go to a party tonight. I turn to my other best friend Kaleb to get the twins off my back.

"Guys, just leave her alone...if she doesn't want to let's not push her." I smiled at him. The girls stop and stare at him like he was crazy.

"Do you really want to leave OUR best friend home alone when we are having fun?" Jade snapped at him. Kaleb simply just shrugged.

"Yeah, it will save me the trouble of kicking someone's ass." I turned to the girls with my best sad look ever to let me stay. Ashley shook he head,"Oh no Kyler. That doesn't work on us." I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Guys I don't want to go. I rather stay and read." The girls just shook their head an started to pull outfits from my closet.

"Nope. You're smart enough. You need to have fun with us." I looked over at Kaleb with the same sad look. He sighed,"You know Jade and Ash won't listen to me. I'm sorry Ky." I groaned in frustration and smiled. I know exactly who they'll listen to.

"LEON!!" I shouted. The girls snapped their heads towards me in confusion as Kaleb chuckled knowing my plan. After a few seconds my 20 year old brother opened my door.

"What's up princess?" He said leaning on the door frame taking in the whole scene. I did the look again.

"They won't let me stay home but instead they want me to go to a party." Leon sighed and looked at the girls," Don't make her look like a slut." I looked at my brother at shock. WHAT! He is going to let me go to a party knowing that things happen at those kind of parties.

"Princess, I trust you and plus you need to get out more." he said as he slowly exited my room. I sighed in defeat,"Fine...I'll go to the stupid party." The girls cheered and Kaleb just shook his head.

"Well, you guys finish and I'll wait downstairs with Greyson since he is all ready." He said before leaving the room closing the door behind him.

"Oh, this is going to be fun!" Jade cheered and Ashley agreed.

~45 minutes later!~

After Jade and Ashley dressed me and did my make up and hair, I stared at myself in my mirror. I had to admit I looked good. They straightened my long brown hair and put it in a high ponytail. My makeup was amazing, I had deep red lipstick, winged eyeliner and a natural color eye shadow. My outfit wasn't that bad either. I wore a tank top that matched my lipstick and black skinny jeans with red flats. And to cover my arms I put on a leather jacket. I stood in front of Jade and Ashley who looked pretty good themselves. Jade wore a strapless maroon dress that fits her body well and came down a little past her knees. Her black hair was down and swept on one side. Her make up was kind of similar to mine but it went more with her blue eyes. Ashley wore a baby pink top and black short shorts. Her dirty blonde hair was in one braid down her back. They looked really beautiful and I looked okay compared to them but I'm completely fine with that because if the attention was on me I would probably freak out.

"Okay we look amazing! Lets go to the party!" Ashley cheered. We all came downstairs to meet Kaleb, Leon, and my other brother Greyson. When the guys saw Jade and Ashley they were expecting them to look good and pretty but once they laid eyes on me it was a different story.

"No! No! No! She is NOT looking like that to the party!" Kaleb shouted. Greyson shook his head and Leon finally closed him mouth.

"You boys better protect Kyler." I sighed and we all gathered by the door.

"She will be fine Leon." Jade said leaving the house.

"Don't come home too late." Leon said as we all left the house and into Kaleb's car. We arrived at Tanner's (the guy who is throwing? the party) house which was full of drunk teens on lawn and drunk dancing teens inside. I gulped and exited the car with the rest of my friends. We walked up to the door and Kaleb banged on it. A few minutes later a half drunk Tanner greeted us at the door.

"Hey guys! Come on in!" Tanner led us into the kitchen which counters were stacked with different alcoholic drinks.

"Yes! Let's get this party started!" Ashley shouted as her and Greyson started to make drinks.

"What do you want Kyler?" Jade said. I looked at Kaleb who was drinking with Greyson and Ashley.

"Oh I just want a Pepsi." Jade shrugged,"Your lost." As my friends were drinking and dancing in the hot, crowded mess called the dance floor, I sat on the couch near these two drunk teens who were making out. I just kept drinking my soda trying to ignore them and enjoy the music. After awhile I got up and walked over into a corner of the room where I can still see my brother and my best friends dancing like crazy. I smiled at them because they were drunk dancing.

"Why the lonely face?" I heard a deep voice ask. I turn to meet deep blue eyes. Oh my god.


So here is the first chapter of the story!! I hope you guys like it! I tried my best and if you dislike it just comment that you don't! ^-^

Oh well you guys should be an amazing cupcakes and unicorns AANNNDDD!!! ---v




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